Friday, April 28, 2006

Imagenes D

Images students demonstrate in front of Chancellor
The day 27 / 4, a group of students presented the assembly of the Council of the UTN, to express their rejection of the institutional coup by Eng and his cronies Lukjaniec

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Does Clothecity Sell Authentic Shoes?

Suchowiercha and Midzrahi In the Computer Lab
Two of the "teachers" friends of Mr. Lukjaniec, changing the hard disks of the servers ...

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Monday, April 24, 2006

Trends In Door Colors

the repudiation Lukjaniec Thursday during the Assembly of
During the assembly of Thursday, the community expressed its repudiation of Mr. Lukjaniec of estta way:

If you can not see the video, go to: -0UEHeMBI

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Michigan Appraisal Districts


students applying to Mr. Lukjaniec to call elections in the councilors elected Dean 29 and March 30

If you can not see it, go here: http://www / watch? v = 4mfPzWQ5v7Y

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Wishes For Engagement Day


The people who support Lukjaniec In Students And Teachers not

Marcia Jorge

, the Schedule No. 17, Student Engagement and her husband, Professor Ernesto Diaz not being rejected by the University community. These are two of Lukjaniec cast members.

If you can not see, go to:

Phil Harris And His Wife

and Political Bullies In the UTN FRH

Here we see another man that Mr. Lukjaniec brought to our power, in this case Mr. Rodolfo Farberoff, former chief economist of Mayor Removed From Moron, Juan Carlos Rousselot, scolding students entering after being exposed to the Computer Lab, having violated the door

If you can not watch the video, go to:

Franziska - Fashion & Make-up

PHOTOS OF THE DAY 22/04/2006

Some of these pictures you can see the students cleaning the school during the day Assembly Date ...

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Where To Buy Walking Stick In Singaporelp

Remarks Students who spent the night In The School Day 20 The

By this means, students of the UTN FRH try to communicate to our peers, the institutional situation is going through our faculty. At the moment is exerting his office, a dean who was elected as undemocratic and illegitimate.
As happened?

  • settle an assembly is holiday time in a place outside the school. There the few present who supported Mr. Lukjaniec, he was elected dean.
  • Once this vote illegitimate, the Board of Governors decided to cancel it, having seen a suspicious manner in which it was carried out. Also set the date for the democratic election of a dean.
  • Seeing that defeat was imminent Lukjaniec Ing, filed an appeal in court to try to validate the election that had been rejected.
  • was again rejected the vote illegitimate, and not even have an order conforming to a different court. The judge receives the complaint, it validates the vote and declared to Mr. Lukjaniec, dean-elect of the faculty.
  • Yesterday (19-4), when it was supposed to conduct the election of Dean in a democracy, Eng Lukjaniec presented as illegitimately elected dean and a minority.
  • On Wednesday
  • 19-4 could not be carried out by the assembly which would elect the dean, the result of judicial action initiated by the ing. Lukjaniec.
  • While not able to hold the vote expressed the rejection of the pseudo-election held in late February. This will honor the will of the university community expressed at the polls on 30 and 31 March.
  • 20-4 on Thursday at dawn, the department heads decided as part of the non-repudiation measures dictated by the classes and the installation of the permanent assembly, which means that any student, teacher or not Teachers belonging to the institution, can come to express their views and take an active part in resolving the conflict.
  • Morning Eng. Lukjaniec found a high degree of repudiation, which motivated him to suspend academic activities, and this is not enough, in the evening the power was blocked by people outside it, which reserved the right of admission. Once this obstacle, gaining access to the building.
  • Those present claim en masse for the immediate resignation of Eng. Lukjaniec and compliance with the outcome of the election.
  • Seeing this the great call against his person, use all kinds of gimmicks to delay and making the decision to withdraw from a dishonorable discharge from the building.

As students were present at the meeting that was held flatly rejecting the assumption of this person. As a student you should be aware that this person is taking power by force. There is virtually no support and no department advisor.

Friday, April 21, 2006

Gameshark Final Fantasy 2

21-04 PHOTOS

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Halle Berry Catwoman Haircuts

happened on 20-04?

At college, early afternoon, around 1740, one of the "advisors" of Mr. Lukjaniec did not allow us access, if so teachers and teachers not Faculty, citing an internal audit by missing elements.

When we finally get the students we learned that we would not have classes for 3 days, and that this supposed "Dean" does not perimitia.

In a meeting that lasted until 2300 hours, and where All present expressed their position clear repudiation of the institutional coup the 5 departments Assembly declared a state of permanent until Mr. Lukjaniec not resign.

A group of students and teachers of the FRH not stayed at night to keep fans close Lukjaniec Ing faculty, and these people changed all the locks on the doors, leaving us with a single door side as emergency exit.

also have a "visit" some people outside the faculty, who are identified as members of rail union, not with that intention, and that are photographed.

Those who stayed were able to see how to around 0045 on Friday Lukjaniec Eng retired faculty accompanied by some of his supporters and escorted by police because of fear that someone had assaulted him. Demonstrating integrity and intellectual capacity is not these days, students who were in college left him retire, manifesting itself in a peaceful manner. These same students during the night cleared the right, so there is no one to say we broke something or leave all dirty ... it's our faculty, studied there and did not win anything broken and dirty ....

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20/04/2006 PHOTOS

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Dose Bleach Work On Re Moving Genitle Worts?

a slap to democracy

we Argentines living 23 years of democracy, a democracy that cost us a lot to get, and right or wrong we are still learning to exercise
Within that context in the field of public universities and its generating function knowledge and scientific research, democracy must be a paradigm should be an example of its exercise to the rest of society. The University
Public must prevail constructive debate, respect for the plurality of ideas and different trends. In test time, Haedo Facultad Regional is setting an example of intolerance, resentment, retaliation and revenge. Why? ... Let's review the events:
two years ago, when Dean died in office, within the statutory framework of the University called the election for the remainder of his madato. Dean elected, surprisingly, was not he who settled political structures for many years in the Faculty expected ... a new style emerged.
Without making value judgments or grades and qualities of the actors in the events to date, a consensus was reached in the Academic Council the rules for the electoral process to be performed during the past year: Election of Directors Academic and Departmental normalizing Electronics and Industrial Departments, then choose the five Department Directors and last choice of the Dean for the period 2005 - 2009
The postponement of all elections and the extension of all the circumstances mandates that all University known (suspension which was a national level, issued by the Chancellor of NTU), resulted in a new electoral schedule to start in February this year and conclude with the election of Dean set out on a preset, or with the Departments standard and the new Assembly constituted by this function
Nevertheless, a group of advisers through an interpretation of the Statute of the University "Autoconvocados" day Feb. 27 in an area foreign to the Faculty and with the minimum quorum, 23 Assembly members composed of 17 members and 6 alternates, Dean chose a schedule laid out (here it is a reflection about the vulnerability of the Statute, 23 Assembly members, a total of 83, 43 members and 40 alternates, and that the Department Directors no substitute, not express fully the democratic expression of the entire community of faculty, mácime taking into account that there was an official election schedule overlapped in time. This creates a dangerous precedent that could threaten the future the full exercise of order and democracy within the university)
Then the dean chosen outside the system went to court to enforce its law, which originated the Council Superior Universitario address the conflict and decided not validate the Assembly on 27 February outside the official announcement of the School and continued with the election process supervised by the Central Electoral Board. Through this on 29 and 30 March elected departmental directors and academics in five Departments, who officially assumed the 3rd of April, after the 4th were elected five Department Directors, who immediately took to 19 April, the Assembly had to do to choose the new Dean. An Assembly now has 69 members and 64 alternates, elected democratically by the four faculties of the School (Students, Teachers, Teachers and Graduates not), a total of 133 people who were disappointed in their intentions as a function that a "judge" determined that the Superior Council Resolution
University was not valid but ruled that this self-convocation itself was valid from 27 February (23 persons will about 133 people will democratically elected, members of the four cloisters of the Faculty). As a corollary, could not make the Assembly, was elected Dean of the administrative order, took office accompanied by staff of the Tribunal, Federal Police agents who illegally entered the Faculty and a couple of strangers to the MSMA who introduced themselves as "advisors", but seemed otherwise.
Corollary: This kind of procedures to remind us what time? So the Justice Argentina supports the exercise of democracy? All convey the entire university community an image sad, very sad and unfortunate ... A terrible and irreparable damage to cahetazo democracia!