Friday, April 15, 2011

Sample Speeches For Annual Day


To all of you. colleagues alike who love the values \u200b\u200bof PJ and anarchism, and not stop to reap success with women as the undersigned, I leave for you to enjoy this weekend the blog that makes a friend but that something gorilla anarchist Ziberial Feisbujman. Pen to highlight its stories seriously recommend microscopic and Margaretta stories, the small Piper embambinable of Lombardy.

Here we bring an example of what the dr. Feibujman ago:

"play down is the key," said Margaretta at Sandia Black while covered with bales of GEOP. There was a button. Many suspect Reinaldo Mauricio Macri, painter and obedient to the apple of your block. Admirer too.

were 450 kilos of "Look at the stars," the new drug wave is all the rage in La Monica dance. Margaretta had arranged had arranged how to get the loot of the country, and outsourcing it to Milan and get back to playing the flute with his friends in the woods creatures of Lombardy.

But something went wrong. The pushbuttons was great, Maurice Reginald had sworn it. A son of a bitch to be feared.

bullets whistling passed near Margaretta curls and things got complicated.

The Black Sandia derrepente shouting "My ortho just breaks my boyfriend, lunges bullets Tramontina brandishing a knife and getting shot in the face twenty-five falls. Expired.

That did not help improve the outlook.

"male Stiamo ed ora il cuore batte piuttosto my forte, figa" Think Margaretta, and was well. The end was approaching.

Sandia, in the oven

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

What Disease White Tongue


If the Lord Almighty deems it necessary and important to be added another article, but in this case would be written or delivered orally since the year 2015. .. on.

All Bible prophecies have been announced, the reader's task now will be scrutinizing the blog.

Keep your lights on and alerts you do not know what time to come the Son of God .

Baruch Hashem Adonai Yeshua HaMeschiach.

ARG, 2011.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Mild Tenting On The Left Hemidiaphragm


by Alejandro Roque González.

Is 2012 a crucial year in human history? Hollywood, and many others, have failed to exploit and profit at the expense of human uncertainty. Flood the world listening to spokesmen for the Maya, but continues to ignore the Word Lord revealed the .

Yes, say peace, peace, and then suddenly it will not stop violence.

article We have analyzed how the world groans in confusion and disbelief. Many in secret, and even non-Christians and people who never devoted attention to Bible prophecy, they suspect that something in this world today takes place outside of "normal."

The business of bunkers sold in the United States has increased as never before in the scale of Rich (not Richter). The overall perplexity grows, crime increases, the earthquakes continued. Only yesterday there was another earthquake in Japan scale 7.1, Island of Crete 6.2, and in Mexico 6.5. In Ivory Coast the militias supported by the bombing of the UN -using their helicopters and French troops, do not stop burning, still alive and breathing, Christians loyal to the president to seek stool. The global price inflation inciting anarchy: the poor are poorer and the rich taking advantage of the debased wealthy inertia.

Will you come to this was in 2012? Is it on December 21, 2012 the trial began of nations prophesied in the Scriptures ?

No, come on that date or day. But it will be widely disseminated and ultimately used to pour ridicule and shame and anger manipulated the Christian people, after that time left behind What will happen then?

analyzing how the prophecies are happening, everything seems to show that the core global elite Announces New World Order will -similar in intent as did Rebecca at the passage of Genesis 25: 21-23 and 27:1-43 -believing that God's Plan can be upset by human desires and requirements, in inciting and "rush" of Bible prophecy relative to the apocalyptic destruction of the city of Damascus (Is 17:1 ) , so you can draw his false treaty peace in Israel. Then starts to rebuild the Temple of God in Jerusalem: UN metropolis also force to become an international city, source of that ill-achieved peace, and retina horn to announce an international religious ecumenism unprecedented, which is already designed just waiting for his big momentum.

Once, it seems possible in the second half of the coming year 2012-that the world will shudder under the impact of nuclear / regional and bound together like a natural disaster, such a global consensus for peace will believe that the apocalypse has happened announced , and then begins a "new era humanist" of peace and hope, under the wise leadership of the renowned "new leader " world.

will want to believe that the Millennium announced by the prophets of God just started with this "new era." Do not be fooled, it is false, that ancient serpent knows he has little time and not let out all that glamor in which humans have left to wrap connected to the year 2012. The alleged religious and cover supported by many Western theologians and ecclesiastics alike around the globe (including Orthodox Jews), who usurped spiritual territory that never belonged to them, will not stop trying to reconcile what is happening with a humanistic and philosophical envelope support it. In the background are but fleeting and artificial clouds without water, trying to shade and hide the true Plan of God , while promoting their new leader and false messiahs. A great persecution

unreported controlled by monopolies of information about the true Christians will begin human and who seek the Lord heart who, among other matters, will not impose a chip on their bodies. This little digital grain shrewd and kindly be imposed on the masses of humanity, under the arbitration and accusative speech against the alleged international terrorism, and also reporting the aforementioned benefits of a financially stable financial world through assimilation of " brand." Of course not nicknamed him so clearly.

Three years of peace that will follow, under tight control generally overshadowed by the global entertainment media unit, will make many at first make fun of those who proclaim to the world the prophetic word of God, followed by a perverse Bloody ostracism not before known in history against them, but faith in our Lord Jesus Christ is not an ideological pamphlet that can be burned or adapt according to the season. The cornerstone of the centuries can not be cemented dust of hell and God's children never show fear instrument is that apart from love and God's promise of eternal redemption.

match in 2012 all large and important presidential election about human societies, not knowing them that opportunity comes when the devil himself has prepared another ominous election-adulzada and sweetened, they bring their cherished world leader : the wicked and false messiahs. Once enslaved the modern world awakens from its slumber it will be late, would have been three years of that sweet peace intolerant, which unleashed the Third World War for another thousand two hundred and sixty days .

The date is important, but the impending events to come, and I will declare to you not to take them off guard.

ARG, 2011.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Against Abortion Thesis

Reborn .... Wynton Marsalis in Guanajuato

This is a call for the whole ball of idiots that we have neglected the blog. I know
on business, family or swelling of the eggs and we could not update it, but in accordance with the proposal of Paul, must be taken to post something from time to time and relive the mother who, for a while we filled pride.

Thus, the call to revive this site and I promise to post something soon, in as much as possible ... End of statement


Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Wedding Candy Bar Saying

Nothing: no wars, Arcturus, and the asteroid 2002 VE68.

by Alejandro Roque González.
Nothing makes stop lying to the societies of today, let alone the western world. The killings are the order of the day and the suicides of young men join between amazement. Asteroid 2002 VE68 also suggests mostrándosenos the signs in the sky, and life goes on as if everything is part of a theatrical manuscript disinterested, but very real.

events occur at all to walk by the time the mad locomotive focus forward, and everything continues as well as the wedding and skills, while the world bleeds. Is it expected something abnormal? even World War III has begun, however that the Antichrist System has unleashed the string of hunger, inflation and anarchism, to shake followed precisely the geopolitical landscape and bring the passenger-and disastrous "New Western Roman Empire, before the pre-announced policy figurine shows in our TV cameras.

In popular parlance we would say: "Big Brother will fall short."

All ignore the signs of the times. Expect a romantic fantasy world and to ensure compliance with the final stage where the ten-headed dragon push with force to its limits, so and all do not wake up and assume that you live in this season. It matters little if the mark with security numbers and cards with magnetic stripes. Chip implants, electronic control of all personal transactions, national and international wars and rumors of wars, earthquakes, nuclear power plants like Chernobyl and distilling Fukushima radioactive material into our atmosphere and oceans. Nations spend trillions of their currencies in arming their conventional armies and strategic-nuclear. No, not enough, want more "meat grass."

Nothing is stopping you lie. Absolutely nothing is not enough, want more circus, otherwise would look to the sky, in repentance and no challenge.

Challenge, yes, challenge and brute beasts, while the marriage continues. No wonder Christ warned us for these days:

" For in the days before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and knew not until the flood came and took them all, so shall also the coming of the Son of man. Then shall two be in the field: one will be taken and the other left. Two women grinding at the mill: one will be taken and the other left. Watch it because know not what hour your Lord ... Therefore be ye also ready: for the Son of man cometh to unexpected hour "(Mt 24:38-44 ).

and early signs of pain are gone. Listen carefully .... Are gone. Are past, we can read and see in our store visual data. From now on you will see events, one after another.

Do not you see enough to operate a nuclear plant in the same nation where a bomb heralded the eating of apocalyptic End Times by resting in the former Second World War and in turn was the new State of Israel?

Nations statistics conceal their local suicides and killings, only in countries where once the ray of freedom trying to face, thus reminding us to shape our image of the Creator , is that news has not yet been fully speared. Today in the Leander school, located in Austin, Texas, a girl named Meagan Allen -who himself was active in school affairs and good student, entered the bathroom at school and committed suicide. He had announced in the morning to their peers in class. Just days earlier, another student, Joey Sheehy, was also found dead of a drug overdose in the same school.

Is it normal? Many parents wonder why and how something like this happens in our world which claims to be civilized. Do not you question how much time they spend watching television in pre-designed sessions of brainwashing? And there

church they want to hear stories of love affairs and sonatas, which blind unable to discern their spiritual state. Neither the signs of the heavens were made; even if it requires only empinar their foreheads and look for some heavenly light.

watched the stars last night.

If our schools taught astronomy at all levels, molded for each age, perhaps our children watching the majesty of Creation physical -point infinite reach our eyes to process in their minds and hearts the stark contrast between when we look up the celestial scale , and then down this hell-usual earthly paradise disguised castle.

One big difference that lead to re-examine their consciences, and the reader will note that we talk about astronomy, not astrology. The first is a science, the other aberration spiritualist and harmful.

As surely an amateur astronomer beginner level intermediate always admired the building and how Lord told his children in every age who look to heaven if they could have the universe's expansion, promising that one day, now very close, when Eden again dwell among us, would grow making countless eternity to eternity, without having to rely on metal or rocket-powered jalopy to bring this mortal, physical and celestial weightlessness tired. Our present corporate limits will one day be tied to this spot on earth.

last night watching the Orion Nebula with its three kings from the west, and the looming Arcturus in the quiet, starry night from the east, easy to find with the naked eye, by reference, in the case of the second, the slide from the tail in the constellation Ursa Major. Here we see the Arcturus, the giant red light emitted by its very different to the other stars. As large as 180 times the size of our sun, which in turn is 109 times greater than Earth. It's size, not volume, if we take the reference volume and then our sun is 1, 299.400 times greater volume than the blue planet. Imagine then if we compare it with the Arcturus, which is another hundreds of times greater than the sun.

our physical universe is amazing and material knowing that there are greater than the Arcturus soles, however, we bring to your consideration because when we read in our academic encyclopedias on this star, its mass once explained scientifically, always follows the description mythological and demonic, but never include mention in spiritual dialogue that the man of God concert with our Job Creator, through his spokesman. This shows how much hatred and ignorance in the world aware of today against the Word of God or anything related to biblical themes to announce the Scriptures to humanity and its youth.

was expected. This does not erase that millennia ago, long before Rome tried to bar the way for Galileo Galilei ignoring Scriptures and the power of God and drunk in his edicts and encyclicals, and the Word of God told us about the Arcturus and Orion, while Moses struggled trying to give birth a nation, and second from Job you somewhere nearby and unnoticed:

" The only extending the heavens ... He who maketh Arcturus, and Orion, and Pleiades, and the secret places ... Whoever does great things and incomprehensible ... ... Are you able to prevent the delights of the Pleiades, or loose the bonds of Orion ... Or will you lead the Arcturus with his sons? Do you know the ordinances of heaven? Will I have you in his power on earth ? "( Job 9: 8-10; 38:31-33).

This magnificent man of God named Job millennia ago and not communicated to us the greatness of Creation physical and material, but moving to the immeasurable eternity since then, we announced the coming of our Redeemer and resurrection. That is why evil should be embarrassing to many church not themselves believe in Christ and prophecies, nor allowed to believe in the elect:

" I know that my Redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand upon the earth, and after my skin is discarded, I see yet in my flesh to God, to which I have to see for myself, and my eyes behold, and not another ( Job 19: 25-27 ).

manipulated history of man has never noticed silence or ignore the men who showed courage, demons brain while swimming, gold, fame, or temptations, could hope to snatch the bride, and express it publicly.

One is Isaac Newton (1643-1727 AD) who, if not the most remarkable scientist in human history, is among the top three admired. Newton was a Christian convert and confessed to his followers and detractors. Her love for her Divine Lord, who died and rose for your sins was never subject to contradiction or embarrassment in proclaiming under sunlight each day we visit. And we bring to the notice because it is precisely my Orion SkyQuest XT8 modest telescope is called Newtonian thanks to him. It was this peculiar man who also built the first reflecting telescope, so to him we owe much to view the grandeur of celestial and material universe.

But I never listen to a modern scientific mentioning-much less emphasis, in which Isaac Newton was a true follower of Yeshua of Nazareth .

We will not leave this article without reflecting on the signs of heaven.

The sun warming increases and magnetic field undoubtedly affects dramatically the nearest planets, and is among those closest planets found orbiting-strangely from as recent as the year 2002-the asteroid 2002 VE68. And it's strange because its orbit breaks many of the contemporary hypothesis on gravity around the greater light in our solar system.

The orbit of asteroid 2002 VE68 turn through the orbits of Venus and Earth, as undecided where to go eventually. There is much talk about the fact that Venus orbits, but little is explained to the public can also cross its border into orbit ours. Is this the stone giant announced in the Apocalypse, and reserved for the specific day and time that our reach to end violence intolerable?

" And the third angel sounded, and fell from heaven a great star, blazing like a torch, fell upon the third part of the rivers and fountains of water ... and many men died of the waters because they were made bitter "(Rev. 8:11 .)

do not know, but what is most alarming is that this celestial torpedo appeared to stay in our neighborhood in the very End Times, and not alone. Insecure beast staggers like a resonance of approximately 13:8 with respect to the Earth, Venus or undecided between humans. Can a sudden flash of sun to make him change his mind?

We do not want to scare you, but that raises only help your eyes to the sky and you can also discern the time in which you live, and just as our blue planet is full of wars, crises, abuse and perplexities, we encourage you to raise your heart endless sky because, as Jesus prophesied for the latest generation of our time-signals are being given us.

ARG, 2011.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Buy Shiny Pokemon Card Umbreon

Good news?

by Alejandro Roque González.

Good news?

humans like us with good news. They gladden our hearts, and some believe that help to ensure "positive energy." We like to take only what feeds our ego and announces what God terminated as incorrect. We are fallen and are trapped in the rendering plant in our ideologies.

The clergy are shocked when we announced the prophecies of the Lord . Apparently not let go of opportunists have affairs and sweet sonatas. Christ deserve to hear when speaking love and non-judgmental, yet prosecuted anyone under the sun who does not submit to their doctrinal syncretism.

fear losing their money source of peace and rest. Announce-which scholars and theologians that Scriptures of the Hebrew prophets is old and outdated, yet use it to talk about tithing and the need to be maintained by their parishioners. Are the parishioners who have allowed so much hypocrisy and trickery.

The Lord well knew, these Pharisees did not distinguish nation or language: "Hypocrites! For ye compass sea and land to make one proselyte, and when he is made, ye make him the child of hell twice more than you "(Mt 23:15 ).

They know they will never enter the kingdom of God -do not believe in other than his kingdom crowded neighborhood, and in turn the sky close to their victims: they spoke of purgatory, limbo, and fear of the Inquisition, and Today we claim that Christianity must adapt to the changing world and philosophy. To increase the infamous stupidity, everything about the trial that the only begotten of the Creator announced the discarded, and the Apocalypse is mere literature unhealthy for them, because they specifically quoted. How

escape the damnation of hell? Shortly

know the Lord , and missing them would receive the Holy Spirit . They are a little less brave Nicodemus that good, but love walking in uniform. Her gown and dress makes them think they are different, as sarcastic vipers church, who have not succeeded in changing the world that have transformed many centuries, as alluded to pagan syncretism.

Still want to hear from affairs and sonatas.

not understand the love of God is not hung on the wood of the cross but rose from the dead, resurrected, and fulfill what he promised. He asked us to pray, "Thy kingdom come ... in earth "(Mt 6:10 ), and surely will come. No justice without trial divine or true love that sin and injustice can last forever. False

watchtowers, never fail to discern the time they are living. Always willing to serve the ten-headed dragon dressed in purple and scarlet. The prophet Ezekiel will answer this time:

" Son of man, speak unto the children of thy people, and say: When I bring the sword upon the earth, and the people of the land take a man of their coasts, and him for their watchman. And when he seeth the sword come upon the land, he blow the trumpet, and warn the people, anyone who hears the sound of the trumpet, and taketh not warning, and the sword come take him away, his blood shall be upon his head. The sound of the trumpet heard, and not warning, his blood shall be upon his head: but he that taketh warning shall deliver his soul "(Ez 33:1-5 ).

Open your ears and listen carefully: now the heavenly horn is being played.

ARG, 2011.