Monday, September 13, 2010

Essence Color Go Red Y Go

Walger, Sylvina - Cristina Kirchner. Legislator combative President Fashion (2010) Ediciones B

The hidden history of Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, devastating and uncompromising is published this weekend in Argentina. Biography, "Cristina, combative lawmaker to chair fashion 'of Sylvina Walger, offers stark portrait of a woman despotic, capricious, unfaithful, love of luxury and, at age 57, obsessed with their appearance.

The book features a character real power vacuum that was exposed a husband to abuse of authority. A Nestor Kirchner portrays him as a "petty, mean, vindictive, jealous" and informer during the dictatorship (1976-83). A man, also unfaithful to that anger leads him, at least once, to "hit a punch (punch)" to the head of the State for not fulfilling his orders.

"It unites love, but money and some horrific secrets. From that marriage is only a fortune to be divided, "says Walger. Author of "Pizza with Champagne 'best-seller on the mandate of Carlos Menem, journalist and sociologist puts the knife in the guts of Argentina's most powerful couples to provide a hot meal political tripe, Peronism, jealousy, frivolity and endless ambition. "The flag of human rights-reiterates-use it to amass power and money."

who wears the pants, the real president is Nestor, he makes the decisions. The idea that both have the same weight and form an egalitarian society is wrong, "says Walger.

On July 17, 2008, the Senate ended the aspirations of Cristina Kirchner to maintain tax the agricultural sector. That day he lost the first battle. An unleashed Nestor Kirchner called for the resignation. "She refused, insulted him and spat him to leave. President parallel, as called Walger-gave him a punch sound. The blow was serious and had to move it for the physicians attended. " The scene is covered in the book of nearly 200 pages (Ediciones B).

The "riotous marriage" brand management "in order to stay 16 years." However, the author claims that "are out." The intimacy of the family is a taboo that is broken in the story. She attributed adventures "with a senator, a banker, a governor and to his chief of bodyguards." To him, "be a lover of Mary Angela Girometti", an entrepreneur Patagonia. Corruption

Another area prohibited by moving the book is a word that "Cristina has not spoken once since he became President in 2007: corruption." In the biography are closely scrutinized public interventions of the head of state and a list of links the pair with the word damn. Among these, "the undeniable fortune-EUR 8,500,000, with 19 houses, 14 apartments, 6 and 2 local areas, the consultant Chapelco to provide financial advice to local and foreign investors, the unknown fate of more than 600 million euros the province of Santa Cruz and the massive enrichment of their private secretaries. "

weakness for jewels and a collection of handbags are hallmarks of the president, according Walger. "It started with Vuitton and Hermes now. Their favorites are in crocodile or alligator, the Kelly bag, designed in honor of Grace Kelly and the Birkin bag as a tribute to Jane Birkin. We only sell on commission and its price is close to 40,000 euros. " "Craig continues," For there is no crisis. Is changed, at least three times a day and only one in the 2007 campaign, was carrying $ 50,000 in jewelry. But, I had warned then: to be good policy not poor I have to dress up. " Aesthetic

Kirchner apart, without compassion Walger biography delves into the darkness of the dictatorship (1976-83). Years of lead and shrapnel guerrilla military, Néstor Kirchner recalled that a friend was arrested just two days. Short term to explain "because they gave addresses, telephone and miscellaneous information that would lead to many arrests." Raw history of "Christina, combative lawmaker to chair fashion." He once said, the defined terms: "I am not liberal, I am Peronist."

(...) are the only reliable than males concerning this country is its own mate. Do not trust anyone, if not from his own blood. This is a phenomenon very Argentine. The model is Peron and Evita. Before Peron no president had his wife stuck in politics. Reliability is an issue. Who do Perón could trust? In Evita. She was combative and he put the reflexive.

To which should add the second Peronist experience. Who do you trust the sick Peron returned to Argentina in 1973? In Isabelita, whose preparation and political experience were totally invalid, yet he ran as vice president, to "inherit" the Executive when Peron died, as indeed happened. The difference is that Isabelita Cristina was a woman of few pretensions. A, reincarnated as Evita had promised López Rega. And the other, let your "wizard" to do whatever he wanted with the country and its people.

Cristina nothing he likes more than talking and attacking at the same time, inclination, which reached its climax during the "war gaucho", as defined by Jorge Lanata. Cristina

had become accustomed to life in Buenos Aires and increasingly cost more to accompany him to Santa Cruz Kirchner. Acts mainly within the province, where people had to meet very humble to taste, in very precarious that they put in a bad mood. As deputy and

national senator had lived ten years away from Nestor, and despite the armed fairytale for them and their most loyal, the fact is that for a long time and were not on speaking terms. People around says that this was the happiest time of Cristina, at least more independence and freedom.

Cristina is a set of prints of the political life of Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, an account of what is seen and what is not the current President, the most controversial woman in Argentina, able to awaken at the same time, admired accession and bitter contempt. What Cristina loves and hates her for ig ... ual, as happened to Evita, because it is women and politics is a male domain? Why reject much of the middle class in Argentina? Weight ideological reasons "or a simple lack of feeling?

Sylvina Walger, a sociologist and CNN's vast experience in major media in the country, examines the political years of this lawyer platense whose figure has been changing from the combative and temperamental legislator Cristina Fernandez, President, and irritable women contained "But fashion-they say, does the bidding of her husband. And Walger describes with wit and irony with which he portrayed the frivolous 90, Menem years in which fields the glitz and self-confidence of the "pizza with champagne."

It smells new book:)


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