Saturday, March 12, 2011

Pedestal Fan Power Watt

When the sun shines.

by Alejandro Roque González.

In the year 1056 of the Creation through Noah born a generation apart from God. Around him a world that just handed him a thousand years to fill and cram of corruption and violence.

The picture was so dark and sad that the Plan of God nearly subverted, unless more urgently ripped the cancer surgeon, lest it spread and all perished. The condition was so critical that God told Noah: " The end of all flesh is come before me, for the earth is filled with violence through them: and, behold, I will destroy the earth ( Genesis 6:13).

Note that when you say "I will destroy with land" means-plus floor-meat to the cities and works of men, not the planet. The Scriptures can be misinterpreted when not guided by assiduously studying Holy Spirit of God. The same applies to the apocalyptic Judgement to us. They refer to works produced on the surface, and polluted concrete jungles that we have built, being the product of our societies.

The flood water was complete, covering all the planet's surface, and Noah and his family found favor with God. Today we Gradec this man of God have stood firm, even when everyone like crazy and taking fan announcing bad news. Thanks to him we stand today. Read article entitled: Noah, friend, I remember .

If the reader cares about deciphering how these events came to this day, know that the biblical chronology analyzing the Hebrew patriarchs lived, from generation to generation, knowing his grandfather Noah. When Noah died, the patriarch Abraham was 58 years old, and in turn Sem continued to live another 152 years. No one knew him, but in the year 2123 of Creation, when Abraham died, the patriarch Shem lived another 35 still springtime. When Isaac was killed Sem 110 years, long enough to talk with his grandfather. Add in to this that Jacob, the founding patriarch of Israel, was 50 when Shem died, and 15 years old when his grandfather Abraham died. No doubt all had much time to talk.

After Noah leaves the ark, God promises that the land (surface) would never return to destroy water, however, is revealed later in the Scriptures -Trial the nations suffer an apocalyptic event, this time with devouring fire. The Apostle Peter prophesied to our days, he said to his disciples: "But the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night, in which the heavens will disappear with a roar and the elements will melt with fire, and earth and the works that are therein shall be burned "(2 Peter 3:10 ) .

Today the Pope of turn-who declares himself sitting in the chair of St. Peter, it costs a lot of effort and work, avoiding being branded politically incorrect, managing issues as negligible (published in his latest book published by the Vatican ) and accept by heart the events that took place the night that our Lord was surrounded by the Jewish Sanhedrin of Annas and Caiaphas before being crucified. Now imagine telling the world, taking advantage of the media audience that has "the fire devour their cities and towns. The Vicar apparently doing very worried after the news of his famous telescope Lucifer, located at the University of Arizona. Not understand or know the captious bribión "because you do not believe, that once the fire goes down, there will be no time to analyze their Jesuit astronomers report it, as I have reported their whereabouts secret manic and over the centuries.

This is the time to seek Yahweh God. Jesus said, " And if your eye causes you to sin, pluck it out is better for thee to enter the kingdom of God with one eye, than having two eyes to be cast into Gehenna, where their worm does not die and the fire is not quenched. For everyone will be salted with fire "(Mark 9:47-49 ).

-by Do not let show the world that your eye is politically correct, "that your body is salt into the eternal fire. Find your Salvador tirelessly . He suffered for you and lived a simple life, may have been born on the throne of Rome and did not.

The sun begins its new cycle of active heating hydrogen and helium burning intensely in the center, becoming more dense at a temperature of millions of degrees. According to NASA since 1610 in which Galileo Galilei observed the sun through his telescope, determined that a cycle occurs approximately 11 years before major eruptions reach the atmosphere of our globe. When this cycle is called Solar Cycle 24. " They watch the massive and violent eruptions electromagnetic radiation from the sun affecting our planet's magnetic field and its surroundings, all well documented to this day.

This alters the environmental conditions and time, as well as potential seismic activity, matching once daily with the approach of the moon to the earth. Here we are not referring to global warming false preaching the pseudo-political Al Gore, who boasts making millions of dollars in its global campaign sponsored by the UN, calling for moderation ecological humans, but he lived up steam, getting enough oil to light any third world population.

These activities "abnormal" are not generated by humans. Are beyond our reach, and are not common.

This solar warming in the 1950s was able to neutralize several satellites, now NASA scientists predict an unprecedented increase of 30-50% higher than usual, based on a computer model developed by the Center National Research Atmospheric (NCAR), with the aim of preventing national disasters in telecommunications and power plants, which could be severely affected. According to them, this cycle of high activity could be raised gradually from the years 2011-2012 onwards, reaching a maximum preferably in 2013.

Is this warming we predict the Scriptures mouth of different apostles and prophets?

may partly yes, but that we announce the Word of God is larger, and refers to the last 3 ½ years of our current era, in which humans vociferate still arrogantly believe self control their destiny. The apostle John in his vision reveals: " And the fourth angel poured out his vial upon the sun, and it was given power to scorch men with fire. And men were scorched with great heat, and blasphemed the name of God ... and do not repent and give glory "(Revelation 16:8-9 ). This

-now is the time to seek the Lord and give it its deserved glory.

ARG, 2011. Related Articles

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- were water and fire will be.


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