1974. Law 20,771. In the U.S., Richard Nixon calls the heroine as "the first non-economic public enemy", a year earlier had created the DEA. In Argentina, Law 20,771 punishable with imprisonment of one to six years in the possession of drugs, whether for personal use.
José López Rega, minister of Social Welfare, says: " The guerrillas are the main consumers of drugs in Argentina, so anti-drug campaign is truly a guerrilla campaign " . The terms narcoguerrilla, narco and narcosubversión arise in these years.
As we can see, the anti-drug speech nuances unattended is one of the traditional vices of the right vernacular (and the odd cumpa Orthodox) . The issues surrounding drug use is and should be treated as a health issue, and as such, opposed by health plans and not by the use of repressive force of the state. Clearly you can tell that does not produce the same effects, in terms of health, of course, the consumption of paco, cocaine and heroin, as compared with the consumption of marijuana, which for practical purposes it is much more harmful than the snuff or beer (socially accepted drugs and above all, great commercial).
Any discourse which does not contain the essential differences between a substance and the other, and especially: to fall in the demonization of the consumer of such substances (especially the demonization paco consumer that he is actually rebuking the poor character), it suffers from a profound ignorance or outright hidden interests - usually financial, which exceed the concern of the good neighbor for the health of their children .
Al Anarko not be much faso, likes to drink beer in industrial quantities and smokes like toad, but understands that these substances are extremely harmful and already can not recommend its use (much less their abuse ) by age young libertarians training. But never put the cap with who decide to jump Faso, to the beer and butt, as each one chooses his own poison in this world. Does anyone take clonazepam, is 678 or read opinion polls here?
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