Al Anarko likes beer. So-and ideological motives-cutting can not but pay tribute today to partner December 29 Edólver Saul Ubaldini, head brewer (by manufacture, and not take it) that if I lived 76 years meet.
As generational experience, Dear Saul alias "Mantequita Llorona" (how conversing Alfonsín che ...) exists only as an echo of children, a newspaper clipping of a black and white, at the time the paper was black and white, "my old woman was struck by a corner of the house. A march to accompany my mother, as a small anarchist 4 or 5 years marching under the banner of peace, bread and work. A history of struggle.
As generational experience, Dear Saul alias "Mantequita Llorona" (how conversing Alfonsín che ...) exists only as an echo of children, a newspaper clipping of a black and white, at the time the paper was black and white, "my old woman was struck by a corner of the house. A march to accompany my mother, as a small anarchist 4 or 5 years marching under the banner of peace, bread and work. A history of struggle.
For Peronism is so much more. For Peronism, Saul Edólver is the coupling transimisión belt. Saul was the leader who revived the vocation of struggle and massive that Peronism had lost since the death of the driver, blood transfusion, street fight and needed the Peronist movement while the superstructure was still debating whether to renew itself, and no renewal deliberative council or prime time television.
Like many other colleagues, Saul was literally screwed by the political process opened on July 8, 1989 and moved in 1990 as Secretary General of the CGT, being considered an obstacle to the economic plan that was established with President Carlos Saul Menem. His place as head of the CGT-place which I believe should be retained until his death in 2006 - was placed in the hands of Barrett, the Lezcano, the Daer and the old bureaucratic "Fat CGT, more permissive with the designs of the time anti-worker. Saul was ostracized until he died as political advisor to the Ministry of Planning under President Nestor Kirchner. It should be noted that in 1991 he ran for Governor of the Province of Buenos Aires and lost to the bass Duhalde, territorial support Menem government.
Unfairly maligned, few remember that Ubaldini who organized and led the first protest action against the military dictatorship in 1979 most notably that of December 16, 1982, when repression was brutal Dalmiro killed Flores. Military pact-union shit.
The Libertarian Justicialismo celebrated figure of Saul Edólver, our only hero at a time when everything was very confusing, and we will honor this evening taking us a beer (or more) and always remembering that our democracy is not built on the verbiage of the figures of the international NGO progreberretismo. It was founded on the blood of 30,000 militants, 649 soldiers, the sacrifice of Dalmiro Flores and the struggle of a leader who even in the worst of the nights remained high the flags of political sovereignty, economic independence and social justice. Saul, Dear, the people are with you!
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