After a long month of reflection, we wanted to take the time to honor those men and women of deep convictions ready for anything-even kill a couple, to make this world seem a little more to the world of ideas, asserting their truth and above all showing that rival banks are not enough to be right.
course, if we speak of a ranking, the first division would be composed by the likes of Hitler, Stalin, Videla, Idi Amin and Papa Doc Duvalier, true professionals of the genocide with numbers that far exceed the 10,000 dead.
But our popular extraction and that feeling of swelling of the weakest so typical of the Argentine-especially if you have sympathy for left-leads us to honor the SME of the killings for political motives. Anarko why Peronism invites libertarians with this humble amateur ranking of great men who were killed or sent to kill for any reason related to politics, because as we know, the real Stamina is Ascent:

5) Cristian Favale: There can be no ranking today's stamina in which the necessary mate Cristian, that with a murder (that of Mariano Ferreyra in October 2010) shocked the public and stayed forever in the history of Argentina as a fighter for freedom that led the struggle against communism no end.

4) Hugo Chavez As always at the forefront, the commander Hugo Chávez shows that one or two people you can escape to anyone who governs more than 4 or 5 years in this case, two students killed in crackdown protesting the closure of Radio Caracas Television in January 2010. Who can tell me would not have done the same?

3) Gildo Insfran: claims of many readers who perhaps are not from Peronist tradition prevent us overlook the murder of Qom that located the small province of Formosa in the map of the vernacular liberals and their governor GILDO in the hearts of those who advocate roquistas solutions.

2) Ernesto "Che" Guevara: Che Guevara Some have raised numerous myths, but if there is something that is no doubt that this is true rock star ever has excelled in the vice squad, a drug once tested is hard to stop. Sure the numbers are uncertain since the sources are unreliable metapedia or eye-digital-but without a doubt were more than 2 or 3, and thus earned a spot above Insfrán and Chavez. Some say that dispute here with the Malevo Ferreyra, which according to some people, " at least killed in Argentina."

1) Leon Trotsky: Butchers The Ascent ranking is headed by Lev Davidovich Bronstein revolutionary leader, popularly known as Leon Trotsky, who won this privileged personally ordering the execution of more than 1200 rebels in the uprising of the Kronstadt sailors (miserable counterrevolutionaries who had the audacity to claim the election of their own delegates to the Supreme Soviet, freedom of assembly for unions and peasant leagues, release prisoners for fighting and another 12 points obviously prepared by the Employer and the capitalist octopuses). The casualty figures are variable according to where they come from, ranging between 1200 and 2100, probably will walk down the middle. Who can deny that Uncle Leo did not qualify for promotion to first division demonstrating that these anarchist Kronstadt cats have no eggs in order to run the Red Army?
What say Jorge Altamira and other true social fighters of this attitude so committed to the agenda of the Permanent Revolution?
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