How well explained here Mr. Baleno, the idea of \u200b\u200breducing the VAT (Value Added) as a palliative for inflation and stimulating consumption is not popular is more than a demagogic campaign slogan than a real inflation scenario and existing fault of an alleged tax burden, it would be wise to target the value chain and price- trainers not only result in a low real in prices the consumer but would result in the capitalization of the State disvalioso . If the state currently lacks the tools to more effectively control escalating inflation, how could prevent these 2, 3 or 5 points deducted may not go to swell the profit margin of trainers cost? Any supermarket abide by an order of stress down to reflect the decline in tax? It appears that no, that prices would remain stationary and that the State would receive 2 or 3 dots under collection for bourgeois luxuries as health, education and social plans. Effective as liposuction for a subject suffering from an anxiety disorder and does not sport: the only beneficiary is the cosmetic surgeon.
As mentioned before, this demagogic slogan was raised in the past by many exponents of the center-left and Lilith knew to be back in 2003 - but was quick to show their true nature until the last Friday statements of the Head of Government of the City of Buenos Aires who enlisted in the tradition of the U.S. Republican Party, hire consultants who will dictate that the tax burden only generates negative distortions in the market (save the honorable exception of ABL at apparently can be set to 300% without this affect the purchasing power of anyone.)
all remember the controversy that arose over late last year by 82% mobile, other just cause, but ultimately a bill irresponsibly promoted by the same actors who demonstrated over and over rather their inability to govern the state without breaking and had in view the funds weigh heavily on a government pension system in office he was forced to make many political pulse in order to provide funds (coincidentally against the same sectors that now sought dispose of them for charity).
Both left and right as we can see that the enemy to defeat is the state's ability to collect, be capitalized and currency reserves, an indispensable tool of every sovereign state to be issued to themselves their own economic policies within a certain margin independence. If you want to know what happens when you break a state tax collection disarmed the device, look for any contemporary Argentina history book and read what happened between 1998 and 2001 .
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