Monday, January 31, 2011

Preparation H For Body Wraping


A previous post, we received from fellow The Centre follows commen t:

Nooooo, this post is a shame. The blog is called Anarchy Peronism, not just here it is against, I say eliminate, but simply to lower the VAT (ie the most regressive tax there (said to CFK, sabelo) as they are poor who pay the most in percentage terms, as they consume in the market all the money they collected), but it also makes to defend (financially) to STATE.

Manuk, your side is quite clear we Peronist.
your side "anarcho Now where is she?

No, we're Trotskyists, but j minimum learning with fellow anarchists, fighting for the elimination of VAT and progressive tax on large fortunes ...

pedis loudly that you do not fall.
A shame

Ignoring that the comment is missing exclaim " 6 to 1 with Bolivia " the Anarchy can not hide his concern that the apparently People are fueling that we are more than anything else Peronist. If this continues, one that will not rename the blog, and avoid offending the susceptibility of Trotskyists friends-with good sense-consider it unacceptable that an online publication carries a name that causes confusion ideological hungry proletarian masses materialist enlightenment.

Furthermore we are comforted to know that the anarchist movement in Argentina, close to Trotskyism and Macri-fight to reduce and perhaps eliminate the VAT , demonstrating that ended the days of the great slogans and it was time to anarchism responsible, legally and technically sustainable. Will soon emerge punk bands with names like that adopted flags FISCAL STRENGTH perhaps less exciting, but more viable as tax reform, the modification of a penal code that protects a greater measure of individual freedom and the replacement of the current law on residence one that reflects as closely as the libertarian pincipio that there are no nationalities. Perhaps the molotov be replaced by the writ of amparo, but the ideals remain intact.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Pepto Bismol For Receding Gums


How well explained here Mr. Baleno, the idea of \u200b\u200breducing the VAT (Value Added) as a palliative for inflation and stimulating consumption is not popular is more than a demagogic campaign slogan than a real inflation scenario and existing fault of an alleged tax burden, it would be wise to target the value chain and price- trainers not only result in a low real in prices the consumer but would result in the capitalization of the State disvalioso . If the state currently lacks the tools to more effectively control escalating inflation, how could prevent these 2, 3 or 5 points deducted may not go to swell the profit margin of trainers cost? Any supermarket abide by an order of stress down to reflect the decline in tax? It appears that no, that prices would remain stationary and that the State would receive 2 or 3 dots under collection for bourgeois luxuries as health, education and social plans. Effective as liposuction for a subject suffering from an anxiety disorder and does not sport: the only beneficiary is the cosmetic surgeon.

As mentioned before, this demagogic slogan was raised in the past by many exponents of the center-left and Lilith knew to be back in 2003 - but was quick to show their true nature until the last Friday statements of the Head of Government of the City of Buenos Aires who enlisted in the tradition of the U.S. Republican Party, hire consultants who will dictate that the tax burden only generates negative distortions in the market (save the honorable exception of ABL at apparently can be set to 300% without this affect the purchasing power of anyone.)

all remember the controversy that arose over late last year by 82% mobile, other just cause, but ultimately a bill irresponsibly promoted by the same actors who demonstrated over and over rather their inability to govern the state without breaking and had in view the funds weigh heavily on a government pension system in office he was forced to make many political pulse in order to provide funds (coincidentally against the same sectors that now sought dispose of them for charity).

Both left and right as we can see that the enemy to defeat is the state's ability to collect, be capitalized and currency reserves, an indispensable tool of every sovereign state to be issued to themselves their own economic policies within a certain margin independence. If you want to know what happens when you break a state tax collection disarmed the device, look for any contemporary Argentina history book and read what happened between 1998 and 2001 .

Thursday, January 27, 2011

College Fare Well Invitation Format


From the call launched by Mr. Artemiópolis in this post , inviting fellow Peronist and other herbs to contribute ideas for the campaign in its infancy, offers this humble Anarko Peronist electoral concept that seeks to accentuate the profile of the Order Party both claimed the PJ-niche not exploited a lot for us and that if faced with enough ingenuity can be very effective to steal votes from the PRO-but without forgetting the fun atmosphere that characterizes and further appeals to segments of popular and rum step we take the security issue that is leading the opinion polls public. The spot containing as irresistible slogan is 2005, the country is Guatemala and the candidate is the retired officer Otto Pérez Molina.

Sayings On Healthy Eating


cosasdehombres said ...

You are not assholes, they're hypocritical liberals putas.Vos son of anarcho you give it, and Kirchner amount. But you are a peroncho fourth (to the old, or "square box") and one eye is always Menem turned to knead dough and knead poder.Ahora they finished the cake. Lost. Libres del Sur and got what ever Kirchner had given them in accordance alguno.Además of Human Rights, the center-left also gets: Culture, Energy and Fuels (YPF welcome!), Resources (glaciers law, here we go ), Education, Mining and its president Felipe Solá and Pino alerted to be follow all their complaints against the operation of open pit mines, Barrick Gold and chanchuyos with the queen (the queen of gold and ditto tycoon ) .


After one year and one month of this brilliant political move of the center-left vernacular, which has since then enrich the public debate with his ambitious projects nationalized redistributing oil income and using the strategic Human Rights Commission Victoria Donda knew getting an avalanche of votes, we ask: Where are complaints Felipe Pino promised that he would shake from the commission of Mining?

GIL! Pino above is presented to the President for, obviously, not winning anything and follow whispering, rather than presented as Head of Government of the City and have any chance of governing something concrete and to demonstrate the seriousness of his ambitious projects.

(This is dedicated to pelotudito who called himself "a guy thing", if it was not clear).

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

How To Make A Steamed Towel

As everyone will present at this point, today are 3 months after the death of teammate and former President Nestor Kirchner, man without promising much, we agree that not a few ended enthusiastically voted without turning over the history of Argentina in the last 30 years .

The Anarchy was in the Plaza de Mayo on May 25, 2003, with a few enthusiasts who saw Nestor possibility of a modest recovery alternative that does not escape the Peronist party identity. I must confess that most votes then to Adolf, but in a moment of enlightenment as Nestor voted. I do not think I was wrong.

Along with the slogan "t blot out the gorilla Muslim to see ..." the Anarchy remember very clearly a middle-aged bald excited Argentina flag-evident shoulder Página/12- reader who clung to the fence and shouted to tears: " Please allow us shit! ." So, even among the few that we get to celebrate the election outcome, there was less enthusiasm in a game of curling . From fart turned out that this kind for which no one gave a handle did not disappoint the expectations of anyone (I hope you have not disappointed in our poor friend stripped).

A contrario, the ambitious progressive platform Carrió soon demonstrated its misrepresentation showing the strand again and again in the times when it was necessary to political action. The same can be said of the reform program of the Alliance and not to mention the revolutionary platform Menem in 89.

to consider, especially for those purists on reports that are handled by the innocent belief that the platform declaimed by a candidate campaign is a necessary and consistent with what they actually do or can do once elected (this evil and soon: giles, voting is not like looking at windows and choose the most beautiful shoes, the universe of discourse is alien and parallel to the concrete reality for more oil as we liked to nationalize ).

The Anarchy wanted to pay homage to this last-minute unexpected hero who saved the day being one that nobody saw coming, a squint of a province far away in style manager who starred in his austere inauguration with a wound in the forehead and showed everyone that the ugly can be raised tremendous mines.

Now, after 3 months, I promise it will be the final tribute. Let's cut the excessive Homage will end up hurting the image of the honoree and worse, overwhelming people after his death that we see with good eyes.

Signs Of Relapsed Hodgkins

After a long month of reflection, we wanted to take the time to honor those men and women of deep convictions ready for anything-even kill a couple, to make this world seem a little more to the world of ideas, asserting their truth and above all showing that rival banks are not enough to be right.

course, if we speak of a ranking, the first division would be composed by the likes of Hitler, Stalin, Videla, Idi Amin and Papa Doc Duvalier, true professionals of the genocide with numbers that far exceed the 10,000 dead.

But our popular extraction and that feeling of swelling of the weakest so typical of the Argentine-especially if you have sympathy for left-leads us to honor the SME of the killings for political motives. Anarko why Peronism invites libertarians with this humble amateur ranking of great men who were killed or sent to kill for any reason related to politics, because as we know, the real Stamina is Ascent:

5) Cristian Favale: There can be no ranking today's stamina in which the necessary mate Cristian, that with a murder (that of Mariano Ferreyra in October 2010) shocked the public and stayed forever in the history of Argentina as a fighter for freedom that led the struggle against communism no end.

4) Hugo Chavez As always at the forefront, the commander Hugo Chávez shows that one or two people you can escape to anyone who governs more than 4 or 5 years in this case, two students killed in crackdown protesting the closure of Radio Caracas Television in January 2010. Who can tell me would not have done the same?

3) Gildo Insfran: claims of many readers who perhaps are not from Peronist tradition prevent us overlook the murder of Qom that located the small province of Formosa in the map of the vernacular liberals and their governor GILDO in the hearts of those who advocate roquistas solutions.

2) Ernesto "Che" Guevara: Che Guevara Some have raised numerous myths, but if there is something that is no doubt that this is true rock star ever has excelled in the vice squad, a drug once tested is hard to stop. Sure the numbers are uncertain since the sources are unreliable metapedia or eye-digital-but without a doubt were more than 2 or 3, and thus earned a spot above Insfrán and Chavez. Some say that dispute here with the Malevo Ferreyra, which according to some people, " at least killed in Argentina."

1) Leon Trotsky: Butchers The Ascent ranking is headed by Lev Davidovich Bronstein revolutionary leader, popularly known as Leon Trotsky, who won this privileged personally ordering the execution of more than 1200 rebels in the uprising of the Kronstadt sailors (miserable counterrevolutionaries who had the audacity to claim the election of their own delegates to the Supreme Soviet, freedom of assembly for unions and peasant leagues, release prisoners for fighting and another 12 points obviously prepared by the Employer and the capitalist octopuses). The casualty figures are variable according to where they come from, ranging between 1200 and 2100, probably will walk down the middle. Who can deny that Uncle Leo did not qualify for promotion to first division demonstrating that these anarchist Kronstadt cats have no eggs in order to run the Red Army?

What say Jorge Altamira and other true social fighters of this attitude so committed to the agenda of the Permanent Revolution?