Saturday, February 26, 2011

Digital Playground Dvd Land

The Russian Bear Daniel and Ezekiel.

by Alejandro Roque González.

Today the Russian Bear has neighed and groan together.

Russia, contrary to the general view of biblical scholars, it is clearly mentioned in the book of the Hebrew prophet Daniel.

When Lord Jesus referred to the prophet, as is seen in the Gospels, in reference to the developments concerning the End Times , it shows that there also find the precursor of modern history, from times the British Empire until the final redemption messianic Son of God .

The prophet Daniel tells us from ancient times things that happen 2500 years later. In the article entitled The Four Beasts of Daniel among us: Today , explained that this prophecy tends to be confused as a repetition of the one analyzed in Chapter 2 of his book, on the vision of the statue that King Nebuchadnezzar dreamed, without But is not the same.

Note first that this prophecy or vision was written by Daniel during the reign of Belshazzar (Dan 7:1 ), last king of Babylon, that is, the Babylonian Empire was about (538 BC) to go to history (Dan 2:28-31 ). For this reason it is illogical to think that this would be one of the four kingdoms, as the prophet tells us, yet arise (Dn 7:16-17 ), when really I was about to disappear forever. As a second reason, I will say that these four kingdoms future would witness the then Adonai Advent of the Messiah (Jesus Christ) and the establishment of Eternal Kingdom ( Dn 7:13-14, 27 ). So if we look so clear, we should realize that this prophecy is not the same as in chapter 2, since the Babylonian Empire, Medo-Persian, and Greek and were in the past and even Christ has not returned. Once

understood that, we see that the Bear-Russian-representing the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, would be disbanded in its entirety, as eventually happened to the USSR in 1990-91, but warns would-as the Hebrew prophet Daniel-"life extension", ie continue as an independent nation and military power to that very End Times, and then rebelling against Western domination, represented in the Bible by the Antichrist and despotic in nature (although announced with admirable peace). This is the new Western Empire, Roman type with NWO , which control the economy and global financial market, becoming in Once this character Wicked at Caesar temporarily taken over the United Nations Organization (UNO).

This is something that Russia's Vladimir Putin does not like, believe it or not, stories or early morning, although, like Cyrus, king of the ancient Persians, can not imagine that will be used as card board, moved in the worst of time, and enticed by his big ego and desire for greatness. We

as they say at the door of such events once the Middle East soon becomes involved in a local short-term war against Israel, and where the Jewish state will respond with devastating great military power against Syria, Damascus enemies around him, and so powerful that its leaders be pushed-against world public opinion-to a peace treaty treacherous, giving its nuclear arsenal under international monitoring in exchange for temporary peace 3 1 / 2 years (believing them permanent), without knowing for sure.

Today we see how the Arab world starts to burn and removing unstable former nationalist movements that emerged after as nations became independent after the Second World War. What is the importance of Russian Bear in connection with these events?

To understand this we need a next hop to the chapters 38-39 in the book of Ezekiel, where a coalition of nations, the most remarkable Russia, Turkey and Iran, will begin to revolt war full of wars, never before seen in history. I will not elaborate detailing this world war because you can find, once you finish reading this analysis, the article entitled: World War III will come without fail

the past two years Russia has been upgrading its military arsenal , ballistic and nuclear, in addition to continuing as a major exporter of fighter bombers and interceptors, anti-aircraft systems, and a number of devices although some date from the Soviet era and have been redesigned to third world countries are a good deal at first hand.

This is important for those in need, or in the case of China to copy them at will, but Russia as a nation needed a comprehensive executive allowed to rearm its military with a new generation of conventional and strategic weapons, claiming contain NATO, and compete with the United States (USA) whose expected reducing its influence in the Middle East, as indeed is happening.

If there is anything worthy of recognition about the former head of the Soviet KGB secret agent Vladimir Putin, is business has achieved with his nose sniffing political development. First, with the arrival of President Obama, even more so to see him receive the Nobel peace without firing a flower, the Russian knew that signing a nuclear disarmament treaty with his American counterpart that the U.S. would guarantee to bear the costs of the proceedings, while they completed the construction of sophisticated Bulava strategic missiles, which are legally covered by the treaty was signed. These missiles will be installed in nuclear submarines can carry up to 10 warheads on its head, designed simultaneously to different targets and achieving a hypersonic speed.

Two days ago Vladimir Putin announced that Russia would rearm public as never before in its history from the Soviet times, using the oil bonanza, spending for the decade that began in 2011 the amount of 650 billion dollars, all of which included: 35 military ships prancing, 15 new frigates and 20 submarines, 8 of them nuclear. 600 new fighter aircraft Sukhoi 34 and 35. 1000 new type Mi-26 helicopters, Mi-28N, Ka-52 and Ka-226, and hundreds of systems missile defense S-400 and S-500, including regular military expenditures. Around

Add in the modernization of the super-T-160 bombers, and that already if Russia today with 611 counts to strategic platforms that can take up to 2679 nuclear warheads and 375 operational missile systems that carry 1259 nuclear warheads. They are now 12 strategic nuclear submarines, which carry 160 missiles that can carry 576 nuclear warheads. 76 bombers with a capacity for 844 cruise missiles guided by three military satellites, and we have not mentioned any of their conventional army of the Soviet era, but only the strategic nuclear and France recently bought him two powerful boats helicopter carrier Mistral type, starting in turn the construction of two more in its military shipyards.

Why so much destructive power? We can only find the answer in the mouth of the prophet Ezekiel Hebrew, announcing the invasion of Gog and Magog, where the Rush-Russia joins Iran and Turkey, who also was armed, dragging other nations into World War III .

Twenty years ago when the USSR crumbled, Turkish membership in NATO was a staunch enemy of the Slavs in the north. I remember being a cadet pilot of supersonic military aircraft in the area of \u200b\u200bthe map-world, my instructor always warned us to study well the flight region, failing to fly in the twinkling of an eye the Black Sea and finally fall under the clutches the Turks, whom they painted as dangerous to us consorts of the American giant.

Today Russia and Turkey are great friends, and even plan to begin construction of a thermonuclear plant along with other engineering projects. In times of the Ottoman Empire Turks do not danced merrily with the Shiite Safavid Empire to the east. The Turks and the Persians were thus enemies today are also unexpectedly friends and they represent a formidable economic and strategic management for the Russians to the north, near Syria.

Is it a coincidence that all agrees with the prophecy of Ezekiel and the invasion of these armies against the Jewish state bringing a commendable destructive power, and pushing other nations?

No, the Russian Bear of Gog and Magog is prepared militarily, today announced renewed arrogance and pride, that he must carefully ... but seriously.

ARG, 2011.

Another related article:
- El Tigre Asia prepares for the great war .

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Where To Buy Big Bmx Ramps

And when will the end?

by Alejandro Roque González.
Since ancient times and through many cultures and peoples, humans have been aware that humanity alone, without embracing the Creator of life-in one way or another end up being a trap of their own destiny, annihilating each other once they were successful in creating the destructive capacity necessary to delete from their soil, the homo-sapiens in significant quantities.

For those who search the Scriptures Bible, especially the Hebrew prophets of old, we may differ on the interpretation of an event which, although take effect-may strike either in different shades, or take place in a different chronology. To cite one example: the lifting of the Church of Christ at his coming, but what if none are in disagreement is that the End Times officially began around 1948 when it created the State Israel and the Jewish people channeled a new dawn, with the return of a group of children to the land which Yahweh God promised his friend Abraham, then visibly under the auspices of the majority of the signatory nations of the time in the United Nations Organization (UNO).

A While we share this reality, we'll see another which adds to the analysis, and only then is that humanity was able to create such destructive power to self annihilate, from this significant prophetic fulfillment that began unofficially in 1917 after the historic ; Balfour Declaration, concerning the return of the children of Israel to their land.

Coincidence? The truth is that when Hiroshima and Nagazaki boiled under a limited nuclear power, the world witnessed, thanks to the recent expansion of film-watching what for many was impossible: the human attempt to use weapons of mass destruction against of their own gender. Since then thousands of nuclear warheads have been created and installed in ballistic missiles with ever more lurid designs. Destructive weapons not only contain the nuclear grading, and no good that we become andábatas-gladiator who covered his eyes before each assault-not see that they have spread to all levels: chemical, biological , radiological, combination of all, in addition to conventional weapons inflict disproportionate amounts used in similar hit, where world war, causing gases that would make human life a hell on earth. Can

recognize the man who lives analyzing time Bible prophecy? Yes ... and yes.

What happens is that for years they made predictions based sometimes on the narcissism of a sectarian and religious leader, or others with the best intentions but without analyzing together all prophetic biblical scriptures in itself provide an estimate mathematical generation. The human calendar, either Julian, Gregorian, and others known and not known-that have been used in history have had significant alterations, but nonetheless is something that the wise Divinity once God decided, using those Hebrew prophets-open man a small window into his political future (compared to eternity), with the idea to make him understand that he was not alone in this vast infinite, and there is a Plan of Redemption universal.

Contrary to what many believe, a nuclear war may not disappear on the planet, but the Third World War will be devastating, wiping out a third of world population and creating the apocalyptic chaos of unimaginable proportions the time, destroying societies and inflicting suffering and sadness ever known, only the intervention of the Creator -as-may finally happen frenar esa total auto destrucción contra la raza humana.

Recientemente conversaba con un amigo sobre el estado irracional pero utilitario del genero animal mientras analizábamos diferentes especies; sin embargo, cuando lo comparamos con el humano, no existe en la historia de la vida alguna especie que pueda sobrepasar al homo-sapien como el más destructor, vicioso, manipulador, ambicioso y sediento de poder absoluto, aún cuando se cataloga como racional, pues fue creado a imagen de Dios, y es ahí cuando regresamos al jardín del Edén y vemos las consecuencias no solo del pecado, sino el de habernos hecho conscientes de él una vez que decidimos construir nuestro castillo de naipes separados altaneramente de ese amadísimo Creator . Believing avail ourselves of our own abilities, with his back to God with our secular humanistic religions, or cults written from a demon dimension, have made us believe that human pride is his own god, and his large ego has not found the balance and restraint it can only provide the Word of God , so all with high barriers to travel.

Human history has known only conflict after conflict, violence after violence, envy, jealousy after, abuse after abuse after taxation taxation, famine after famine, disease after disease, and manipulation after manipulation, is an impartial witness irrational or convince the skeptical. With the exception of a short period after the Second World War , our planet and its history have never known justice and lasting peace.

task is as unpredictable as the cryoscopic, wanting to determine the date and time that the human Redemption will take place. Jesus himself clarified that the date and time rested on the knowledge and within Yahweh, and he himself, as -begotten of the Creator knew, but the time and the events themselves. And the Lord himself who never ceased in his prophetic ministry constantly announcing his followers that they should study the Scriptures of Daniel and the prophets, and be attentive to the succession of events that occur during the final story.

Seated on Mount of Olives his disciples asked him: " Tell us, when shall these things, and what the sign of thy coming, and the end of the world? "(Matthew 24:3 ) because it was a constant in the discourse of the Lord Jesus, aware of human history and the importance of establishing the Kingdom of God , kingdom of peace, harmony and eternal life. He not only told them analyze the prophets, mentioning one of them, Daniel, but also assured them that the time itself would be the knowledge of his sons and disciples, said in the parable of "The Ten Virgins , we should persevere, to analyze the world, and to ensure the big day.

So we know the time of his coming? Yes

Jesus warned that World War III serious painful ( Mark 13:19), which distress the world has ever known, and not even have one like it afterwards, making it unique and unrepeatable human history, but understand that sentence, saying that a " after" open to those who believed him. The Lord then in the passage provides the security of that generation-our-that would be living these days, a time would come closer to current events if they knew the biblical warnings, and likens it to a fig tree is about to bloom, " of the fig tree learn a parable: When its branch becomes tender and sprouts leaves, ye know that summer is near. So likewise ye, when ye see these things come, know that it is close to the doors . "

Yes, dear reader, do not be hoping to snatch close to those of you who say there is no way of knowing about the events preceding the Redemption human. The Incarnate Word of God did we know, yes, examining when the prophecies and written things began to materialize before our eyes, and today are more alarming than ever in a world that is released once more to conquer the globalist humanistic tower of Babel.

Sometimes world events, as we stated above, occurs slowly and with great stubbornness, so to speak, sometimes like this year 2011 sailing fast. That is why sometimes the general dates for students of the prophecies tend to be wrong, but what is certain is that we are in the End Times and the events leading up to Advent promised are happening in front our eyes and bare, yet sophisticated atmosphere rarefied to a dialectical and thus appear to obvious causes of human interaction in our societies and systems. But it and keep in mind, we headed to the last scenes foretold in connection with the announcement by the Hebrew prophets, followed by a divine realm where " the effect of righteousness will be peace, and, and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance forever "(Isaiah 32:17 ). Feel like making friends from the God of Abraham, the patriarch who decided to live a simple life, even though he was rich? Jesus gave us the right answer when he said:

" I am the way and the truth and the life: no man cometh unto the Father except through me " (John 14:6 ). ARG


Sunday, February 20, 2011

Multiviewer Easycap Blog

Damascus, Damascus! Where are you?

by Alejandro Roque González.

Iranian warships passing through the Suez Canal: a gift from the current administration in Washington DC, for Mubarak was the only one who had managed to restrict the Persian military access to the Mediterranean area that includes Syria and Israel, since 1979.

On February 11 we announced that the destabilizing winds continue creating turbulence around Middle East, but as with the biblical prophecies, sometimes going full steam, others show the stubbornness of the time. Today

run fast.

have passed since then, only nine days and already shaken some cities in Morocco, Libya, Algeria, Jordan, Yemen, Bahrain, Tunisia and Egypt, adding, and the account of the shooting gallery over Islamic radicalism is injected through the wizard-proditor who dominate foreign policy thinking, dethroned the king of Egypt, telling them as a prodigy of his experience, then the knight of justice would reign from the presidential palace in Cairo.

It was not so.

During the years of stability existed between Egypt and the Jewish state's Muslim Brotherhood organization (Muslim Brotherhood) did not dream to preach his global Islamization irrigator sonata, however, Sheikh Yusuf al-Qardawi, whom Mubarak had him exiled since 1981 for its violent agenda against Israel and America once the former Egyptian President Anwar el-Sadat was assassinated, is back. Muslim cleric has become thanks to the new "democratization" of Egypt, now led by a military junta who has dissolved Parliament and rid the constitution, and has preached the fanfare from Sharia Tahrir Square praised by thousands fellow citizens.

As we see democracy and is on track according to experts at the White House.

Sheikh Yusuf al-Qardawi cleverly uses his conservative beliefs and claims, as have the Christians against the immoral sodomites, the right to family life, and many others that are worthy not only for Egypt and Israel, but throughout the world without have to convert to turban and chafiye kufiya but no, the lashes especially against Israel, because behind him is the devil disguised as an angel of light, who really is not bothered at all by liberalism Jewish rampant on the contrary-but because through of the tribe of Judah came to us Messiah Jesus Christ, and thus Redemption human individual decision.

That's all in the bottom of the mystery invisible to the human optical obsolete, who dreams of justice, freedom and rights, but the real estimate hail Giver of them, but the secular humanists with their religion, which will haunt the world in their own narcissism, and so we have to suffer the prosperity of religious dictatorships. It is as if humans need a heavy yoke with different political Canarreos.

And the new Egyptian democracy is quickly show the world how right irrational government was Washington DC, and today the Iranian vessels going through the Suez Canal into the Mediterranean Sea for legally downloaded Syrian Hezbollah there throughout the military arsenal you need, and to renew the alliance between Iran-Turkey-Syria-Lebanon- Hezbollah-Palestinian.

Friends, we are not talking about fleets of "peace" but military frigates owned Persian ayatollahs are constantly weighing how much uranium needed to make his bomb.

What connection is there with Bible prophecy?

Nasrallah, the head up of Hezbollah, the Iranian-funded terrorist organization, has announced he is ready to conquer the Galilee, the Golan Syrians mountains, and Ahmadinejad shouts as dramatized cucañero ensuring that the days of Israel and can be counted in hours, but that's not the most worthy Galileo that history has known, the Word of God even before revealed to the world had spoken through his prophet when he warned:

"Behold, Damascus ceased to be a city but will become a heap of ruins " (Isaiah 17 : 1 )

Damascus is the only ancient city that has never been razed to ruins, and is predicted to occur. If I were Bahar al-Assad, Syrian president, I would care to continue to threaten Israel, introducing long-range missiles on its territory and expanding their destructive power of chemical weapons, in addition to its nuclear program around the capital, but no, not enough contemplating the life of his friend and would-be Ayatollah, the Lebanese bolindre Nasrallah, who spends much of his time dining in a bunker because he is afraid that a rocket was lost in his turban pose carnival.

The situation in the former shows destabilizing the Arab Caliphate and the governments of those nations will have more output than turning a blind eye to Iran, while cleverly-planted using their secret agencies-the deadly poison that will assure its institutions and peoples and beliefs manipulated the urgent impending deal a mortal blow to the Jewish state, because if you do not hurry, they collapse dreams of Sharia-Law-Yes we can! for everyone.

Delilah Samson has forgotten, and now you should be asking the waiters in the land of King David, which authorize it to rely on the columns of their enemies, but this time not to let themselves be exterminated along with their three capigorristas thousand threatening it, but to understand it-yet-enforce and accelerate the biblical prophecies of the coming true Messiah Salvador Yeshua, the Redeemer of Israel.

ARG, 2011
Other items you might like :
- Russian Bear Daniel and Ezekiel.
- El Tigre Asia prepares for War.
- System 666 and the Mark of the Beast .
- Milagros liars.
- The New World Order.

Friday, February 18, 2011

What Is The Value Of Miniture Gollywog Figiures


When back in 2002 being considered potential presidential candidates for 2003, the current Senator (and former Governor of Santa Fe) The Lole Carlos Reutemann was one of the candidates clear. So was as surprising and unfathomable his famous statement: " certainly saw something I did not like, so I will not be candida

Numerous hypotheses were developed to explain this surprising negative lole and up some were truly genuine works of art (rather sordid by the way).

But it was not until 2009 that the short passage of hydrocarbons made known through an interview to Clarin happened quite unnoticed, what are the mysterious motivations that drive political action has always been:

"Criticism that the government does is only for the conflict with farmers'

I represent the people who elected me . I live in Santa Fe, do not live on Park Avenue. I have one hundred percent of knowledge in Santa Fe Kirchner defended tooth and nail oil in their province. Soybeans for me is like oil for Kirchner.

What discuss politics with Cristina Kirchner and not to prove the existence a double command?

PJ's president Kirchner. Government of thing never speaks. I once consulted for the field. He said: 'They are better than one on one. " Was the reply. Done. So who am I going to talk politics in Santa Fe? I do not think have been surprised with my decision. I think a mistake not to defend the interests of my province. "

There is not much around to giving the issue, this gringo practicón of the pampa gringa not going for glory and never did . It was always about business. When the Government introduced a law that directly affected their interests and those of the class he represents (hordes of gringos practicones of the pampa gringa for whom everything is matter of business) did not hesitate to stand up for their constituents. Do these gringos Cristina did not vote in 2007?

Fixed deductions, broke the spear and returned to his Senate seat stock, waiting for fall to keep the tobacco side always allowed to continue their business of farming practicón gringo soy la pampa gringa, and paying a political ally Roxana Latorre as bargaining chip with National Government (Reutemann never completely severed ties with the Kirchnerism, beyond what that would imply their bizarre statements.)

Put in other words, does not want quilombo Reutemann, wants to be left to the local game. His passion is second. Nothing more, nothing less. Nothing personal. Politics at its most pure, that you should not miss on any pre-election analysis in defining possible alliances.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Funny Hysterectomy Quotes

In the analysis that we previously did about the consequences of the arrest of Momo-I recognize Venegas clasemediacentrismo freckle-slipped a detail not less: effect this political fact generated in the internal CGT (the post, not the Blue and White).

Obviously, this question shake the fragile balance that the CGT has maintained a shock since 2004 when the drive was taken by Hugo Moyano unions held over boys and UEJN (Trial) Taxi laborers; UTA (Transport) and of course, his loyal band of truckers (who would become the strongest union in this sector).

With the arrest of Momo Venegas, and history Zanola processing, preaching charge within the CGT of the breakthrough charges (Barrionuevo, the same Venegas) against the current leadership about the alleged ism that makes the current leadership to a national government that now seems to sponsor a legal case procedurally complicated and two drivers unions, and creating uncertainty among the "heads" of the plant (these guys between you have to win some degree of legitimacy if you want to continue to lead all). The statement issued by the Directors of the CGT for today is a clear attempt to calm things down a bit.

The biggest beneficiaries of this earthquake at first glance appear to be the "internal dissent" (the boys who, without breaking, they have serious questions and a union strong enough to pack driving. Read: SUTECBA; UPCN, UOM; UOCRA ) already in mid-2009 tried his move to be in the driving of the labor confederation (plus lumpenaje rupture, of course, and those who would benefit from a CGT confronted the officer in an election year).

will have to see how events unfold but the anarcho-which as we all imagine, is a staunch moyano since 2000 - not looking to leave the eventualities of concern today and would not want for now to another driving (let alone see Hugo Antonio forced to move away from the Government).

Funny Program/skit For Wedding Reception

Egypt: the music is cheerful, but the dance will be bitter.

by Alejandro Roque González.

" and revolvers Egyptians against Egyptians, and each fight against his brother, every man against his neighbor, city against city, kingdom against kingdom. And the spirit of Egypt shall fail in the middle of it, and destroy his advice ... And I will give to Egypt in the hands of a cruel lord, and a fierce king shall rule over them ... "
(Isaiah 19:2-4 )

The truth is that Egypt is a biblical nation and is designed to exist alongside Israel, once the advent of Jesus prophetically recounted in the Bible, but what happens now in the former nation is exposed in Pharaonic Scripture, described in detail prior to future redemption, asserting that turbulence would again affect developments relating to Israel, from antiquity to the present day.

in 2011 as we begin the geopolitical changes that globalization will help the Antichrist's Dream bíblico.Se just down the government in Egypt and a military junta running the country starting today February 11.

This will affect Jerusalem, and that is why the Islamists and Iranian-Persians are renewing their ominous promise that Israel is next. A short war is unleashed around the Jewish state in the near future, creating global turmoil ( Isaiah 17:1) and amazing media coverage, and moving the building blocks towards a global economic globalization and therefore also intertwined politically for the sake of a false freedom. Then the treacherous be signed peace treaty in the navel of the earth.

Russia and China also bite the bait, but in reality with the cunning of waiting for his "momentum." Well have remained silent, watching the interplay, risen and fallen, also plotting the shooting of the U.S. dollar, while positioned.

will now see even more the sad and unexpected decline in U.S. general on the inner moral and influence in world affairs, and how those countries that maintained relations with the U.S. giant will give back (oil, gas and its consequences), using the same formula now that the government of Washington DC has just given back to the dictatorship of Mubarak in Egypt, a staunch ally and strategic years as tightrope walkers who apparently do not know for sure Middle East historical gear.

is interesting to take a break and point out that in June 2009, while hundreds of thousands of youths hurled into the streets in Iran, prompting an unprecedented popular uprising since the Persian Shah was removed resulting in the so-called revolution of 1979 But this time demanding their freedom and rights, the current rotating presidency in the White House on that occasion remained totally silent, as if nothing mattered not happen, especially knowing that the ayatollahs in Tehran ignored its poor multitude regularly and walk into a frenzy after at least one nuclear bomb. It is now in connection with Egypt, which remained loyal for decades with USA, reaching to sign a treaty mutual peace with Israel, Washington DC was unable to close his mouth from another popular uprising took place, feeding the sting of destabilization. Is it wise to close your mouth when the snot enemy of Israel lashes out at those who swiftly manifest in a massive popular uprising, and open indetenidamente now when a friend of Israel suffers the consequences of having always been loyal to Rome infarcted forgetting their own daily miseries? No wonder the American people are bombarded with entertainment raid.

westerly winds blow very sophisticated today leaving Moscow Kremlin old red star (USSR) as apprentices archaic modern communism; adding just watched a friendly electronic toys, bread and shoes, guided by a global aristocracy hopeful dreams of imposing their secular religion once again.

As predicted in the Bible, and everything will seem like the world has gone after the real search for peace, harmony, and true democracy. They are actually looking for the fall of borders and creation of blocks away from nationalistic feelings, for they threaten the corporate global domination, monopoly, and regional elites ensuring that respond to global intertwined around the world, supposedly "respect" each ancient cultures.

The music is cheerful, but the dance will be bitter.

church universal fall into the trap that we are all one, and that any door can enter the kingdom of God (no matter who you believe) cleverly fantasy realm that is as a purely social and built entirely breastfed homo sapiens human and without the physical presence of miraculous only begotten of the Creator.

The great masses of people do not realize, because in reality they have endured for millennia, and are hungry for bread, justice, freedom and inalienable rights.

role Europe will play once after 2012 Brussels leadership becomes less conciliatory and more dominant with pre-made initiatives trying to show their new weight in world politics and trade using the UN as a springboard repainted, remascarado reinvented.

We are entering the final decade before the trumpet sounds Yahweh God Almighty: and from henceforth will be an event after another, even when the world press try to mask them with entertainment, daily goals, and promising anti-war speech, and geopolitical be utilitarian, natural disaster or war, but it all blends in view of globalization, constitutional and despotic control of the hard market, yet set obedient political powers and chorizo.

No human-or group-by skillful deemed able to subdue the entire world for a long time without eventually giving free rein to greed, apocalyptic violence and genocide.

Every day is closer to redemption for those fools who have accepted the Son of God : Jesus Christ as the only way to salvation, true peace, justice and eternal life with perfect harmony and without human manipulation or demonic.

ARG, 2011.

Other items you might like :
- Russian Bear Daniel and Ezekiel.
- El Tigre Asia prepares for War.
- System 666 and the Mark of the Beast .
- Milagros liars.
- The New World Order.

Structural Formula Of Wax


The Anarchy is cool because we Patricio Contreras comes from Chile for the progressive control Chemical composition of TV content consumed in Argentina. Lest I leave the baby listen to Iorio facade.

And if that does not reach, we also have Cabito position that-fat-bush to wage explains why what he said Iorio is controversial, and shows us how a man obese 40 who grew up in a house he never missed more desacomplejado new shoes (and therefore healthy) a head son of a grocer in San Justo to which parents sent him away when they visit.

The situation shows the video that opens the post speaks more to the decay of 678 as a television product that human quality Ricardo Iorio. The tabloid logic ends up consuming everything dictates that we need to guarantee a scandal a day to feed the curiosity of the average viewer or facho-progress-and in this round was grabbed with Iorio, the only thing he did was tell a funny story and of dubious credibility. See what Berreta case that the perception of the viewer is guided by Cabito to the shores of the outrage, forcing a child alleged violence (?) And drawing his entire repertoire psicoberreta to explain what is undesirable Ricardo Iorio.

Save the program respectable total wreck the intervention of Sandra Russo with whom we have been pretty hard earlier. But the truth boys, lazy. summer Television is rough, I know, but there was no need to mess with Iorio never asked anyone a handle.

We stayed with Cabito Mystique Copera genius gave us politically incorrect as this:

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Read Doujinshi Online Free


Momo's arrest Venegas measured. For many media installation that will give him half class by itself suspicious of anything that has ever whiff of association with a subject solidarizaría dark-skinned or overweight suffering (especially if you put that face when you stop chanta .) The media should take this into account before insisting on a campaign that will only bring them to the forefront as a lost patrol.

Moreover, Supporter Justicialism weight is cutting deals in various districts with the government, to name one, Reutemann in Santa Fe-making entire press conference referents or Camaño Duhalde supporters as a political event as effective as a joint statement Altamira, the Castle and Alcira Argumedo Chipi . Not be ruled out, however, the capacity of these groups put together a quilombito fulero of those muddy the field.

Not to mention other expressions concerning opposition as the UCR, the Socialist Party or fellow South Project trozkos to respond to everything with a formula that we know by heart: " Venegas is not evil detained but also have to stop Moyano. This universal formula applies to all natural phenomena can only share with two nouns and a verb, allowing those who use it to muddle through any situation without taking sides or commit to anything ( eg " The field must also pay taxes but must pay mining").

The legitimacy of "Momo" among rural workers - guild with 75% of black employees - at first view is far from enough to generate its own October 17 (although the organizational capacity of the rubber seal of the 62 organizations opens the chance of a 17 October Barrabrava Style). Outside, it is questionable whether the patterns returned by mobilizing rural laborers at harvest time the services provided during the crisis in the 125 back in 2008. Anybody would win twine for this guy?

Finally we have the companion Chicho Basile and his fearsome army of Crusaders Peronist that Momo banking until the very end, with the imprint lumpen, marginal and raving how good is it to any cause that seek to defend.

(Ah, we lacked the solidarity of Felipe but hey, it gives us Straw follow. Basile Doggie In addition more people move ).

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Motivation Letter For Culinary School 2011


According Wikipedia , a survey of 2009 tells us that 23% of world population practicing Muslim (or Islam for friends). This figure would put it in second place, behind Christianity that adding various current-Catholicism, Protestantism, etc. .- accumulate between 29 and 32% of the population. A follow

the last 40 years by the Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary (Christian religion, for clarify the possible biased nature of the report) revealed that Islam is the second religion in terms of annual population growth, but first in terms of percentage growth. Namely: Christianity has 25 million annually to 22 new members of Islam, but Islam this figure would mean an annual growth rate 1.48% against 1.36% annual Christianity. This trend continues, within a period not widespread Islam could reach more than in adhering to Christianity.

Islam as a religion is a block more "militant", as it somehow, and that its adherents practice religion with a devotion that is not seen as largely within Christianity. Put in simpler terms: I am baptized and am culturally Christian, but ... You can see my commitment to the faith. My case is not unique. In that sense, Islam is growing and Christianity is in decline .

Given these data, we can imagine that a red light comes on in the dashboard of Christianity. And considering that the vast majority of global arms power is concentrated in the hands of power elites whose communicants or practitioner with Christianity, Judaism or atheism which is ethical sediment Western Judeo-Christian roots, This Means troubles. Now understand the eternal conflict with the Middle East?