by Alejandro Roque González.

Today the Russian Bear has neighed and groan together.
Russia, contrary to the general view of biblical scholars, it is clearly mentioned in the book of the Hebrew prophet Daniel.
When Lord Jesus referred to the prophet, as is seen in the Gospels, in reference to the developments concerning the End Times , it shows that there also find the precursor of modern history, from times the British Empire until the final redemption messianic Son of God .
The prophet Daniel tells us from ancient times things that happen 2500 years later. In the article entitled The Four Beasts of Daniel among us: Today , explained that this prophecy tends to be confused as a repetition of the one analyzed in Chapter 2 of his book, on the vision of the statue that King Nebuchadnezzar dreamed, without But is not the same.
Note first that this prophecy or vision was written by Daniel during the reign of Belshazzar (Dan 7:1 ), last king of Babylon, that is, the Babylonian Empire was about (538 BC) to go to history (Dan 2:28-31 ). For this reason it is illogical to think that this would be one of the four kingdoms, as the prophet tells us, yet arise (Dn 7:16-17 ), when really I was about to disappear forever. As a second reason, I will say that these four kingdoms future would witness the then Adonai Advent of the Messiah (Jesus Christ) and the establishment of Eternal Kingdom ( Dn 7:13-14, 27 ). So if we look so clear, we should realize that this prophecy is not the same as in chapter 2, since the Babylonian Empire, Medo-Persian, and Greek and were in the past and even Christ has not returned. Once
understood that, we see that the Bear-Russian-representing the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, would be disbanded in its entirety, as eventually happened to the USSR in 1990-91, but warns would-as the Hebrew prophet Daniel-"life extension", ie continue as an independent nation and military power to that very End Times, and then rebelling against Western domination, represented in the Bible by the Antichrist and despotic in nature (although announced with admirable peace). This is the new Western Empire, Roman type with NWO , which control the economy and global financial market, becoming in Once this character Wicked at Caesar temporarily taken over the United Nations Organization (UNO).
This is something that Russia's Vladimir Putin does not like, believe it or not, stories or early morning, although, like Cyrus, king of the ancient Persians, can not imagine that will be used as card board, moved in the worst of time, and enticed by his big ego and desire for greatness. We
as they say at the door of such events once the Middle East soon becomes involved in a local short-term war against Israel, and where the Jewish state will respond with devastating great military power against Syria, Damascus enemies around him, and so powerful that its leaders be pushed-against world public opinion-to a peace treaty treacherous, giving its nuclear arsenal under international monitoring in exchange for temporary peace 3 1 / 2 years (believing them permanent), without knowing for sure.
Today we see how the Arab world starts to burn and removing unstable former nationalist movements that emerged after as nations became independent after the Second World War. What is the importance of Russian Bear in connection with these events?
To understand this we need a next hop to the chapters 38-39 in the book of Ezekiel, where a coalition of nations, the most remarkable Russia, Turkey and Iran, will begin to revolt war full of wars, never before seen in history. I will not elaborate detailing this world war because you can find, once you finish reading this analysis, the article entitled: World War III will come without fail
the past two years Russia has been upgrading its military arsenal , ballistic and nuclear, in addition to continuing as a major exporter of fighter bombers and interceptors, anti-aircraft systems, and a number of devices although some date from the Soviet era and have been redesigned to third world countries are a good deal at first hand.
This is important for those in need, or in the case of China to copy them at will, but Russia as a nation needed a comprehensive executive allowed to rearm its military with a new generation of conventional and strategic weapons, claiming contain NATO, and compete with the United States (USA) whose expected reducing its influence in the Middle East, as indeed is happening.
If there is anything worthy of recognition about the former head of the Soviet KGB secret agent Vladimir Putin, is business has achieved with his nose sniffing political development. First, with the arrival of President Obama, even more so to see him receive the Nobel peace without firing a flower, the Russian knew that signing a nuclear disarmament treaty with his American counterpart that the U.S. would guarantee to bear the costs of the proceedings, while they completed the construction of sophisticated Bulava strategic missiles, which are legally covered by the treaty was signed. These missiles will be installed in nuclear submarines can carry up to 10 warheads on its head, designed simultaneously to different targets and achieving a hypersonic speed.
Two days ago Vladimir Putin announced that Russia would rearm public as never before in its history from the Soviet times, using the oil bonanza, spending for the decade that began in 2011 the amount of 650 billion dollars, all of which included: 35 military ships prancing, 15 new frigates and 20 submarines, 8 of them nuclear. 600 new fighter aircraft Sukhoi 34 and 35. 1000 new type Mi-26 helicopters, Mi-28N, Ka-52 and Ka-226, and hundreds of systems missile defense S-400 and S-500, including regular military expenditures. Around
Add in the modernization of the super-T-160 bombers, and that already if Russia today with 611 counts to strategic platforms that can take up to 2679 nuclear warheads and 375 operational missile systems that carry 1259 nuclear warheads. They are now 12 strategic nuclear submarines, which carry 160 missiles that can carry 576 nuclear warheads. 76 bombers with a capacity for 844 cruise missiles guided by three military satellites, and we have not mentioned any of their conventional army of the Soviet era, but only the strategic nuclear and France recently bought him two powerful boats helicopter carrier Mistral type, starting in turn the construction of two more in its military shipyards.
Why so much destructive power? We can only find the answer in the mouth of the prophet Ezekiel Hebrew, announcing the invasion of Gog and Magog, where the Rush-Russia joins Iran and Turkey, who also was armed, dragging other nations into World War III .
Twenty years ago when the USSR crumbled, Turkish membership in NATO was a staunch enemy of the Slavs in the north. I remember being a cadet pilot of supersonic military aircraft in the area of \u200b\u200bthe map-world, my instructor always warned us to study well the flight region, failing to fly in the twinkling of an eye the Black Sea and finally fall under the clutches the Turks, whom they painted as dangerous to us consorts of the American giant.
Today Russia and Turkey are great friends, and even plan to begin construction of a thermonuclear plant along with other engineering projects. In times of the Ottoman Empire Turks do not danced merrily with the Shiite Safavid Empire to the east. The Turks and the Persians were thus enemies today are also unexpectedly friends and they represent a formidable economic and strategic management for the Russians to the north, near Syria.
Is it a coincidence that all agrees with the prophecy of Ezekiel and the invasion of these armies against the Jewish state bringing a commendable destructive power, and pushing other nations?
No, the Russian Bear of Gog and Magog is prepared militarily, today announced renewed arrogance and pride, that he must carefully ... but seriously.
ARG, 2011.
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