by Alejandro Roque González.
Iranian warships passing through the Suez Canal: a gift from the current administration in Washington DC, for Mubarak was the only one who had managed to restrict the Persian military access to the Mediterranean area that includes Syria and Israel, since 1979.
On February 11 we announced that the destabilizing winds continue creating turbulence around Middle East, but as with the biblical prophecies, sometimes going full steam, others show the stubbornness of the time. Today
run fast.
have passed since then, only nine days and already shaken some cities in Morocco, Libya, Algeria, Jordan, Yemen, Bahrain, Tunisia and Egypt, adding, and the account of the shooting gallery over Islamic radicalism is injected through the wizard-proditor who dominate foreign policy thinking, dethroned the king of Egypt, telling them as a prodigy of his experience, then the knight of justice would reign from the presidential palace in Cairo.
It was not so.
During the years of stability existed between Egypt and the Jewish state's Muslim Brotherhood organization (Muslim Brotherhood) did not dream to preach his global Islamization irrigator sonata, however, Sheikh Yusuf al-Qardawi, whom Mubarak had him exiled since 1981 for its violent agenda against Israel and America once the former Egyptian President Anwar el-Sadat was assassinated, is back. Muslim cleric has become thanks to the new "democratization" of Egypt, now led by a military junta who has dissolved Parliament and rid the constitution, and has preached the fanfare from Sharia Tahrir Square praised by thousands fellow citizens.
As we see democracy and is on track according to experts at the White House.
Sheikh Yusuf al-Qardawi cleverly uses his conservative beliefs and claims, as have the Christians against the immoral sodomites, the right to family life, and many others that are worthy not only for Egypt and Israel, but throughout the world without have to convert to turban and chafiye kufiya but no, the lashes especially against Israel, because behind him is the devil disguised as an angel of light, who really is not bothered at all by liberalism Jewish rampant on the contrary-but because through of the tribe of Judah came to us Messiah Jesus Christ, and thus Redemption human individual decision.
That's all in the bottom of the mystery invisible to the human optical obsolete, who dreams of justice, freedom and rights, but the real estimate hail Giver of them, but the secular humanists with their religion, which will haunt the world in their own narcissism, and so we have to suffer the prosperity of religious dictatorships. It is as if humans need a heavy yoke with different political Canarreos.
And the new Egyptian democracy is quickly show the world how right irrational government was Washington DC, and today the Iranian vessels going through the Suez Canal into the Mediterranean Sea for legally downloaded Syrian Hezbollah there throughout the military arsenal you need, and to renew the alliance between Iran-Turkey-Syria-Lebanon- Hezbollah-Palestinian.
Friends, we are not talking about fleets of "peace" but military frigates owned Persian ayatollahs are constantly weighing how much uranium needed to make his bomb.
What connection is there with Bible prophecy?
Nasrallah, the head up of Hezbollah, the Iranian-funded terrorist organization, has announced he is ready to conquer the Galilee, the Golan Syrians mountains, and Ahmadinejad shouts as dramatized cucañero ensuring that the days of Israel and can be counted in hours, but that's not the most worthy Galileo that history has known, the Word of God even before revealed to the world had spoken through his prophet when he warned:
"Behold, Damascus ceased to be a city but will become a heap of ruins " (Isaiah 17 : 1 )
Damascus is the only ancient city that has never been razed to ruins, and is predicted to occur. If I were Bahar al-Assad, Syrian president, I would care to continue to threaten Israel, introducing long-range missiles on its territory and expanding their destructive power of chemical weapons, in addition to its nuclear program around the capital, but no, not enough contemplating the life of his friend and would-be Ayatollah, the Lebanese bolindre Nasrallah, who spends much of his time dining in a bunker because he is afraid that a rocket was lost in his turban pose carnival.
The situation in the former shows destabilizing the Arab Caliphate and the governments of those nations will have more output than turning a blind eye to Iran, while cleverly-planted using their secret agencies-the deadly poison that will assure its institutions and peoples and beliefs manipulated the urgent impending deal a mortal blow to the Jewish state, because if you do not hurry, they collapse dreams of Sharia-Law-Yes we can! for everyone.
Delilah Samson has forgotten, and now you should be asking the waiters in the land of King David, which authorize it to rely on the columns of their enemies, but this time not to let themselves be exterminated along with their three capigorristas thousand threatening it, but to understand it-yet-enforce and accelerate the biblical prophecies of the coming true Messiah Salvador Yeshua, the Redeemer of Israel.
ARG, 2011
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