by Alejandro Roque González.
" and revolvers Egyptians against Egyptians, and each fight against his brother, every man against his neighbor, city against city, kingdom against kingdom. And the spirit of Egypt shall fail in the middle of it, and destroy his advice ... And I will give to Egypt in the hands of a cruel lord, and a fierce king shall rule over them ... "
(Isaiah 19:2-4 )
The truth is that Egypt is a biblical nation and is designed to exist alongside Israel, once the advent of Jesus prophetically recounted in the Bible, but what happens now in the former nation is exposed in Pharaonic Scripture, described in detail prior to future redemption, asserting that turbulence would again affect developments relating to Israel, from antiquity to the present day.
in 2011 as we begin the geopolitical changes that globalization will help the Antichrist's Dream bíblico.Se just down the government in Egypt and a military junta running the country starting today February 11.
This will affect Jerusalem, and that is why the Islamists and Iranian-Persians are renewing their ominous promise that Israel is next. A short war is unleashed around the Jewish state in the near future, creating global turmoil ( Isaiah 17:1) and amazing media coverage, and moving the building blocks towards a global economic globalization and therefore also intertwined politically for the sake of a false freedom. Then the treacherous be signed peace treaty in the navel of the earth.
Russia and China also bite the bait, but in reality with the cunning of waiting for his "momentum." Well have remained silent, watching the interplay, risen and fallen, also plotting the shooting of the U.S. dollar, while positioned.
will now see even more the sad and unexpected decline in U.S. general on the inner moral and influence in world affairs, and how those countries that maintained relations with the U.S. giant will give back (oil, gas and its consequences), using the same formula now that the government of Washington DC has just given back to the dictatorship of Mubarak in Egypt, a staunch ally and strategic years as tightrope walkers who apparently do not know for sure Middle East historical gear.
is interesting to take a break and point out that in June 2009, while hundreds of thousands of youths hurled into the streets in Iran, prompting an unprecedented popular uprising since the Persian Shah was removed resulting in the so-called revolution of 1979 But this time demanding their freedom and rights, the current rotating presidency in the White House on that occasion remained totally silent, as if nothing mattered not happen, especially knowing that the ayatollahs in Tehran ignored its poor multitude regularly and walk into a frenzy after at least one nuclear bomb. It is now in connection with Egypt, which remained loyal for decades with USA, reaching to sign a treaty mutual peace with Israel, Washington DC was unable to close his mouth from another popular uprising took place, feeding the sting of destabilization. Is it wise to close your mouth when the snot enemy of Israel lashes out at those who swiftly manifest in a massive popular uprising, and open indetenidamente now when a friend of Israel suffers the consequences of having always been loyal to Rome infarcted forgetting their own daily miseries? No wonder the American people are bombarded with entertainment raid.
westerly winds blow very sophisticated today leaving Moscow Kremlin old red star (USSR) as apprentices archaic modern communism; adding just watched a friendly electronic toys, bread and shoes, guided by a global aristocracy hopeful dreams of imposing their secular religion once again.
As predicted in the Bible, and everything will seem like the world has gone after the real search for peace, harmony, and true democracy. They are actually looking for the fall of borders and creation of blocks away from nationalistic feelings, for they threaten the corporate global domination, monopoly, and regional elites ensuring that respond to global intertwined around the world, supposedly "respect" each ancient cultures.
The music is cheerful, but the dance will be bitter.
church universal fall into the trap that we are all one, and that any door can enter the kingdom of God (no matter who you believe) cleverly fantasy realm that is as a purely social and built entirely breastfed homo sapiens human and without the physical presence of miraculous only begotten of the Creator.
The great masses of people do not realize, because in reality they have endured for millennia, and are hungry for bread, justice, freedom and inalienable rights.
role Europe will play once after 2012 Brussels leadership becomes less conciliatory and more dominant with pre-made initiatives trying to show their new weight in world politics and trade using the UN as a springboard repainted, remascarado reinvented.
We are entering the final decade before the trumpet sounds Yahweh God Almighty: and from henceforth will be an event after another, even when the world press try to mask them with entertainment, daily goals, and promising anti-war speech, and geopolitical be utilitarian, natural disaster or war, but it all blends in view of globalization, constitutional and despotic control of the hard market, yet set obedient political powers and chorizo.
No human-or group-by skillful deemed able to subdue the entire world for a long time without eventually giving free rein to greed, apocalyptic violence and genocide.
Every day is closer to redemption for those fools who have accepted the Son of God : Jesus Christ as the only way to salvation, true peace, justice and eternal life with perfect harmony and without human manipulation or demonic.
ARG, 2011.
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