Wednesday, February 23, 2011

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And when will the end?

by Alejandro Roque González.
Since ancient times and through many cultures and peoples, humans have been aware that humanity alone, without embracing the Creator of life-in one way or another end up being a trap of their own destiny, annihilating each other once they were successful in creating the destructive capacity necessary to delete from their soil, the homo-sapiens in significant quantities.

For those who search the Scriptures Bible, especially the Hebrew prophets of old, we may differ on the interpretation of an event which, although take effect-may strike either in different shades, or take place in a different chronology. To cite one example: the lifting of the Church of Christ at his coming, but what if none are in disagreement is that the End Times officially began around 1948 when it created the State Israel and the Jewish people channeled a new dawn, with the return of a group of children to the land which Yahweh God promised his friend Abraham, then visibly under the auspices of the majority of the signatory nations of the time in the United Nations Organization (UNO).

A While we share this reality, we'll see another which adds to the analysis, and only then is that humanity was able to create such destructive power to self annihilate, from this significant prophetic fulfillment that began unofficially in 1917 after the historic ; Balfour Declaration, concerning the return of the children of Israel to their land.

Coincidence? The truth is that when Hiroshima and Nagazaki boiled under a limited nuclear power, the world witnessed, thanks to the recent expansion of film-watching what for many was impossible: the human attempt to use weapons of mass destruction against of their own gender. Since then thousands of nuclear warheads have been created and installed in ballistic missiles with ever more lurid designs. Destructive weapons not only contain the nuclear grading, and no good that we become andábatas-gladiator who covered his eyes before each assault-not see that they have spread to all levels: chemical, biological , radiological, combination of all, in addition to conventional weapons inflict disproportionate amounts used in similar hit, where world war, causing gases that would make human life a hell on earth. Can

recognize the man who lives analyzing time Bible prophecy? Yes ... and yes.

What happens is that for years they made predictions based sometimes on the narcissism of a sectarian and religious leader, or others with the best intentions but without analyzing together all prophetic biblical scriptures in itself provide an estimate mathematical generation. The human calendar, either Julian, Gregorian, and others known and not known-that have been used in history have had significant alterations, but nonetheless is something that the wise Divinity once God decided, using those Hebrew prophets-open man a small window into his political future (compared to eternity), with the idea to make him understand that he was not alone in this vast infinite, and there is a Plan of Redemption universal.

Contrary to what many believe, a nuclear war may not disappear on the planet, but the Third World War will be devastating, wiping out a third of world population and creating the apocalyptic chaos of unimaginable proportions the time, destroying societies and inflicting suffering and sadness ever known, only the intervention of the Creator -as-may finally happen frenar esa total auto destrucción contra la raza humana.

Recientemente conversaba con un amigo sobre el estado irracional pero utilitario del genero animal mientras analizábamos diferentes especies; sin embargo, cuando lo comparamos con el humano, no existe en la historia de la vida alguna especie que pueda sobrepasar al homo-sapien como el más destructor, vicioso, manipulador, ambicioso y sediento de poder absoluto, aún cuando se cataloga como racional, pues fue creado a imagen de Dios, y es ahí cuando regresamos al jardín del Edén y vemos las consecuencias no solo del pecado, sino el de habernos hecho conscientes de él una vez que decidimos construir nuestro castillo de naipes separados altaneramente de ese amadísimo Creator . Believing avail ourselves of our own abilities, with his back to God with our secular humanistic religions, or cults written from a demon dimension, have made us believe that human pride is his own god, and his large ego has not found the balance and restraint it can only provide the Word of God , so all with high barriers to travel.

Human history has known only conflict after conflict, violence after violence, envy, jealousy after, abuse after abuse after taxation taxation, famine after famine, disease after disease, and manipulation after manipulation, is an impartial witness irrational or convince the skeptical. With the exception of a short period after the Second World War , our planet and its history have never known justice and lasting peace.

task is as unpredictable as the cryoscopic, wanting to determine the date and time that the human Redemption will take place. Jesus himself clarified that the date and time rested on the knowledge and within Yahweh, and he himself, as -begotten of the Creator knew, but the time and the events themselves. And the Lord himself who never ceased in his prophetic ministry constantly announcing his followers that they should study the Scriptures of Daniel and the prophets, and be attentive to the succession of events that occur during the final story.

Seated on Mount of Olives his disciples asked him: " Tell us, when shall these things, and what the sign of thy coming, and the end of the world? "(Matthew 24:3 ) because it was a constant in the discourse of the Lord Jesus, aware of human history and the importance of establishing the Kingdom of God , kingdom of peace, harmony and eternal life. He not only told them analyze the prophets, mentioning one of them, Daniel, but also assured them that the time itself would be the knowledge of his sons and disciples, said in the parable of "The Ten Virgins , we should persevere, to analyze the world, and to ensure the big day.

So we know the time of his coming? Yes

Jesus warned that World War III serious painful ( Mark 13:19), which distress the world has ever known, and not even have one like it afterwards, making it unique and unrepeatable human history, but understand that sentence, saying that a " after" open to those who believed him. The Lord then in the passage provides the security of that generation-our-that would be living these days, a time would come closer to current events if they knew the biblical warnings, and likens it to a fig tree is about to bloom, " of the fig tree learn a parable: When its branch becomes tender and sprouts leaves, ye know that summer is near. So likewise ye, when ye see these things come, know that it is close to the doors . "

Yes, dear reader, do not be hoping to snatch close to those of you who say there is no way of knowing about the events preceding the Redemption human. The Incarnate Word of God did we know, yes, examining when the prophecies and written things began to materialize before our eyes, and today are more alarming than ever in a world that is released once more to conquer the globalist humanistic tower of Babel.

Sometimes world events, as we stated above, occurs slowly and with great stubbornness, so to speak, sometimes like this year 2011 sailing fast. That is why sometimes the general dates for students of the prophecies tend to be wrong, but what is certain is that we are in the End Times and the events leading up to Advent promised are happening in front our eyes and bare, yet sophisticated atmosphere rarefied to a dialectical and thus appear to obvious causes of human interaction in our societies and systems. But it and keep in mind, we headed to the last scenes foretold in connection with the announcement by the Hebrew prophets, followed by a divine realm where " the effect of righteousness will be peace, and, and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance forever "(Isaiah 32:17 ). Feel like making friends from the God of Abraham, the patriarch who decided to live a simple life, even though he was rich? Jesus gave us the right answer when he said:

" I am the way and the truth and the life: no man cometh unto the Father except through me " (John 14:6 ). ARG



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