Thursday, March 31, 2011

Gallbladder Polyp Elevated Alt

herbivores and carnivores.

by Alejandro Roque González.
human political systems are herbivores or carnivores. Sometimes they are both combined. There are times when the grass provides them with peace, others in the meat guaranteed power. Grass and meat and its derivatives have been in turn the livelihood of ordinary citizens and all that breathes and moves under the sun shines.

According to the dictionary of the Royal Academy "weed is any plant small whose stem is tender and dies after giving the seed ... and meat is the muscular part of animals' bodies. " Humans are first threw grass seed and then dies and meat must be eaten by those political systems that seek to bring happiness and prosperity that only God has the power to establish, however, they ignore it on purpose.

are blind leading the blind, and while going back and forth in their daily cooking activities and geopolitical cut and swallow.

The writer has lived and known both political systems Socialism and Capitalism, which in their advanced and hungry bodies, and offspring of which were also Communism and Nazism, have been crushed more grass and meat in human history than any other. I have lived in the heart where they originated or developed as supernovae future so that we do not appreciate the false intellectual purifying many academic doctors secular, liberal theologians, ideologues, who treat them poorly to convince and persuade others of medicinal concoction that promote harmful.

In his Epistle to the Colossians the apostle Paul warns the church in Colossae: " Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ, for in him dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily ( Col 2:8-9).
Poor and philosophical hell.'s no worth to them because complaint when the military industrial complex spending trillions of dollars, euros, rubles, rupees and yuan, while the grass and the flesh weakens crazy.

The communism suffered for thirty Aprils including its prisons and on capitalism have walked over the last seventeen years of my life living and studying in academic institutions of both-all: USSR (Cuba) and USA. We spent some years learning and suffering, to live and observe human behavior in both systems, at different levels and purchasing power. Homo sapiens is not much different for the sin that haunts him from the same dark hole flow and ethereal, but the cultures and traditions influence within the psyche of a group or nation, being fueled by ambition and conquest personal national, or global.

Something similar happens in human relationships at the very foundation of society. Few humans in their old age, no matter how pious or not consider their own eyes, can with safety healthy look to the sky, even knowing they are sinners, and ask without fear as the Tirshatha Nehemiah " remember me for good God" (Nehemiah 13:31 ).

Generally humans feel safe not knowing the Giver of life, but when purchasing power exceeds the norm, and the money is cutting instrument at your fingertips.

political systems is no different. This cutting tool with diabolical muddy snatching power, eats grass and human flesh when deemed necessary. Grass while we can convince us with ideological discourses, and in the flesh we become when it is not enough and needs of terror, bloody persecutions, abuses in full daylight, and injustice that are accompanied with untold suffering and tears.

Both systems, in a famous portrait of its history, cut grass and swallow too much meat.

In the article entitled: Hope lost, we discussed why so many human beings feel hopeless, and it is because their faith is not founded on the cornerstone of the centuries-Jesus Christ-but in the world sandy towers of babel. Much blame for this is Rome, because for centuries spoke of a heavenly kingdom in the sky imagery impossible on earth, yet that the Son of God constantly reminded us that the garden Eden would return to dwell among men.

When Christ was born is said to Mary: " will be great, and will be called Son of the Highest: and the Lord God will give him the throne of David his father. And reign in the house of Jacob forever "(Luke 1:32-33 ). Have you noticed how Rome finally deifies the human Mary, placing it as a mediator between men and heaven, when the very word of God tells us there is only one Mediator between man and God, Jesus Christ ?

He is the Divine Lamb sacrificed in expiation for our sins, not Mary or another human. Diverting attention Christ, he opened the Roman throne and invented a once calculated as an alternate title, while machinery piled pagan syncretistic religious followers.

And even today after more than a millennium, some still wonder in amazement why the Lord allowed then for centuries the Muslim advance on the Christian peoples of North Africa and Spain. As in those times the Roman paganism opened the doors to the tsunami Mohammedan, today modern Christianity monetized, virulent, idolatrous and atheist, is apergolla to the rebellious and extreme Islamization of the Arab world.

Those who control the world finances and plan their global brutality at the expense of "useful fools, take note of the religious significance. Once scientifically influenced people shiver in their social wines, these pseudo-international political will add lemon, salt, pepper, smoke and sulfur, as they organize and give the finishing touches on a new syncretic universal religion to provide a policy- established for all.

As the two political systems that we analyzed, the religious machinery, in all areas of the planet, also cut down grass and meat. In the case of Roman grinder, is accompanied by the idiocy and in turn idyllic denial of the possibility of earthly kingdom of Christ , thus ensuring that the whim of the Almighty Son need a false substitute universal mediator, ie a Vicarius Filii Dei, Vicarius Christi or Holy Father, but Jesus himself, spiritually condemned it by saying:

" And your father did not call anyone on earth for one is your Father which is in heaven " (Matthew 23:9 ).

If you really believe the Holy Spirit understand why these things were warned before it happened, and take seriously-all Christian institutions-the prophetic ministry of Lord , which was extensive and uninterrupted during his three years of public ministry we know historically, and revealed to his Church in the spirit. All this scaffolding

operated from a demon dimension, is mounted over the centuries to now bring the latest "universal substitute" who is about to appear on the international political scene. The Antichrist who eventually self-endian-hate Christians gathering around itself to all those millions of fans who make us intolerable need to be sifted as wheat. There is nothing to fear them, Jesus said to the Roman procurator Pontius Pilate: "No power would have against me unless it were given thee from above: therefore he that delivered me unto thee hath the greater sin " (John 19 : 11 ).

If anyone doubts that Christ was referring to a Kingdom of God established and led by him from Jerusalem heard how he tells his disciples that they would return in peace to enjoy drinking the fruit of our land, " I tell you no drink of the fruit of the vine until the kingdom of God comes "(Luke 22:18 .) It is a kingdom here among us who do not need substitutes, and that is why, despite so many Bible verses that tell us about it, "we have chosen only some of which were revealed by the mouth of the Lord while he dwelt among us.

Men only imagine what a view is possible, discarding the eyes of faith. The Lord warned his apostles that the impossible for humans, it is possible to turn God, however, is needed regeneration and spiritual rebirth for this, as it describes the Pharisee Nicodemus. This feedback will be sealed when the last trumpet the heavens tremble and earth, the moment that the body incorruptible incorruption, and physical death is overcome by immortality. Flesh and blood can not inherit eternal promise unless we are transformed ( 1 Corinthians 15: 50-54 ).

The apostle Peter meant that Jesus would speak clearly of how would establish his glorious Kingdom among humans-here in the beautiful blue planet and eternal, that God created to be inhabited for generations of those who love Him and seek; and when the Creator begotten, Son of God and men, he says:

" Verily I say unto you, that you who have followed me in the regeneration when the Son of man sit on the throne of his glory, ye also shall sit upon twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel ... but many first shall be last and the last first ( Matthew 19: 28-30 ).

The United promised is at hand, and gold in the human lineage is first purified in the furnace of fire. Do not let that needs temporary pursuits or ambitions that rob you with incomparable eternal blessing that you can live 70-90 years under the false promises of these and other political systems, which are crumbling like houses of cards, when excessive hunger for power is not allowed to feed their parodies and breathe their poisons.

Grass and meat ... soon ask all grass and consume meat until fed up and perish. And they can never find in history, when the glow of the overtake Lord appeared from the sky, the face of uncertainty and wonder of a world that believed only in miracles truchimanes those ambitions and greed could generate.

ARG, 2011.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Blueprints On How To Build A Pool Table

UN geopolitical restructuring.

by Alejandro Roque González.

The year 2011 runs at full speed , fulfilling its mission of preparing the interim financial and political world to the call of the West. Once the great looming global collapse occurs, the Fourth Beast prophesied by Daniel, crystallize their short-but-powerful and decisive pavement.

First time in the history of the United States that a president goes to war, not only ignoring the Constitution and Congress more: being directed and ordered by the Security Council of the United Nations.

The UN is a mask behind which hides the global chess. Ban Ki-moon, UN secretary general cataloged the unique and historical fact. This was unthinkable just a few days ago, but now is normal, and the American people entertained, while Washington DC just watched.

Times Magazine published on March 18 that the United Nations Organization authorized "all necessary measures " Quadafi against dictatorship, and of course, would be blind to ignore the oil capacity of Libya with its gold reserves, and the obvious Connection President Nicolas Sarkozy, who strives to raise his public image at the approach of the 2012 elections in France, adding that Saif al Islam, son of the dictator- Quadafi threatened to make public receipts showing the Libyan funding after French president's election campaign.

France and Germany battle for their interests. The allies struggle leadership, and among so many weak, whom NATO is ultimately decided by now, but not before agreed with the European Union.

This is a very corrupt world, and apparently many worry about the 2012 elections. It's quite a list that matches and matches for next year. Everyone wants to be reelected. In the U.S. Barack Obama will run equally, the president of the European Union Herman Van Rompuy his term runs out, like Ahmadinejad in Iran, and Vladimir Putin in Russia among others, join the international list of leaders who dream catch the reins of power in their respective countries after the year 2012 to become mature. All

anda upset. Social upheavals in the Arab world, global economic crisis, inflation, crime, natural and nuclear disasters, tsunamis, hunger and disease. Continue piling up as the pressure increases.

This shows how biblical prophecy will hurry, creating not only the basis-these are cemented long-spent for the upcoming New World Order New engender the Western Roman Empire prophesied , but already shows the crisis leadership in the West, in apparent silence cries for the emergence of an international statesman, the same as the Scriptures advertised as the Antichrist.

The Second Epistle to the Thessalonians describes him completely exposed, " A wicked one, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders " (2 Thess 2:9 ). Is that leader now, once unleashed saga of Libya, see the West, noting a remarkable political vacuum in the ecumenical yearning disoriented and seek and ask.

UN wakes treacherously and very active, while the Christian Church goes to sleep, building huge temples of polished stones and preaching that there is no anger, trial or hell and everything is nice and relative. Others well into the era and time we travel. The Apocalypse and announced last week by the prophet Daniel is ready to demonstrate and fit into the story to be fulfilled. The Fourth Beast bring the human world countless bitterness. Be alert

hereinafter, a great event is about to unfold under this sky in which we live.

ARG, 2011,

related articles:
- The New World Order.
- Who is the Antichrist? .
- System 666 and the Mark of the Beast .
- Hope lost.
- Daniel: global empires, Rome and the Antichrist .

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Quadriderm Rf Cream Reviews

Against false-or rather dicotimias tricotimias-Justicialista Libertarian Movement does not endorse any of the 3 candidates now vying for the seal of the Front for Victory in Federal Capital nor left the false alternative proposed by the underwriter of floor space and Sabbatella ceilings expander Buenos Aires (application other than promising to Patricio Etchegaray to the top of the list of Members who will soon be lowered once the price of it at the negotiating table has reached what is sought from headquarters General Morón).

face of false alternatives that try to impose the front of the bourgeoisie with unionism K entregador employer, the conservative liberal party-submissive embodied in the stiff and antiquated apparatus or alternatives PJ modern, dynamic and closer to society as the Communist Party, Anarchy Peronism says ENOUGH! and calls on all locals to vote Libertarian candidacy of fellow Javier Castrilli that as it says on the image to open the post: DO NOT FUCK WITH U.S.!

(warn fellow libertarians or anyone who reads that can totally change our position if we offer a delicious gift consisting of some form of public money).

Little Blisters Inside Mouth

The Pharisees are back. The Great Earthquake

by Alejandro Roque González.

The nation of Israel will suffer even the greatest of all his sufferings. Events and political environment that led to the crucifixion of our Lord and subsequent destruction of the Temple of Jerusalem doubled again, just in a different time and circumstances, as well as the final result. God is no respecter of persons as many mistakenly amass in their minds ( Deuteronomy 10:17). Starting this analysis

-over events occurring in Israel, and religious orthodoxy of today, do not pretend to feed the evil anti-Semitic trend; On the contrary, our attitude should be prophetically linked to the fact that we need to open the eyes of people who, together with the international crowd-anda Paleolithic blind. My admiration for the Jewish people goes beyond human passion, and is based on the Divine Plan to bring everlasting righteousness, and promised eternal dawn, in which the Jews have played an extraordinary role that will be remembered from generation generation, and trunk that attracted the kind redemption of wild olive.

When Moses tired from the hard-heartedness of the Jews-who represented also, at that time, the harshness that has sin within each human being-and constant quarrel with Yahweh God, Creator asks that even his name was erased and destroyed from his book forever, unless you forgive such inconsistency. And all for the fact they have trusted in false gods of gold, it is then that the Holy One replied: " has sinned against me, him will I blot out of my book. Therefore now go, lead the people where I told you ... that on the day of my visit I will visit their sin upon them "(Exodus 32:31-34 ).

still have one last visitation of sin, suddenly fell on top of a global humanity-and people-that stubbornness and assistance with trust in their gods of flesh and gold, believing in turn that any religion or orthodoxy will provide some kind of passport to glory.

Rabbi largest ever known to history, Son of God and man Jesus Christ, told the Jewish Pharisees, who boasted to be the only ones who know the divine secrets, becoming children of the Creator " If God were your Father certainly would love me: for I have God and I came out, I did not come of myself, but he sent me. Why did not understand my speech? because you can not hear my word. Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do ... that is of God hears God's words, therefore you do not hear, because are not of God "(John 8:41-47 ) .

These words were addressed to the Jewish Orthodox cream time. It later-even if the only begotten had power to give and take back your life-from taking advantage of the darkness, attacking and him that historic evening, when the Jewish Sanhedrin court rides his diabolical and falsely accused delivered later the Roman procurator Pilate to be crucified. After the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ not yet ceased, and the nascent Church first suffered the wrath and bloody persecutions under the knife of these wretches.

Messianic Jews, Jewish Christians today suffer unrelieved rallies of repudiation, discrimination, terror, abuse and incitement to violence of the ultra-Orthodox who now call themselves followers of Yahweh God as recently groups Yad L'achim and Gur Chassidim, who attacked the Jewish Christians for the mere fact of believing in this rabbi who did not fear for 2000 years to tell them face to face, while the people slept, he was the true Messiah and Son of God promised in the Scriptures . The same was then chased the nascent Church, today it also burned their places of meetings, in the year 2011, at the gates as they say the return of Jesus . With what courage they will face the wrath of the Lamb of God at his coming?

These Haredim do not have the courage to enlist in the army to defend their nation, the land God promised to our father Abraham, using the pretext that they are religious, but they are brave to do acts of repudiation against Christians such as in the city of Arad, compared the home of Polly Sigulin , a Jewish-Christian widow who even his three sons served in the Israeli army, just because she belongs to a Judeo-Christian congregation, led by men of God as the pastor Yakima Figueras, and there they go and lash out with the same hatred of Christians persecuted in the days of Herod the Tetrarch. If you are interested in seeing part of this report will find it in the video titled "Religious harassment in Arad ( ), or can get the link here.

Another development has attracted attention recently. Just a few months have passed since a family of Jewish Christians in the city of Ariel, suffered a terrorist attack on celebrating Purim in their modest home. Purim is the date which marks the Jewish liberation, through the intervention of Queen Esther at the time of the Persian King Ahasuerus (Esther 9:7-28 ). That day his only son 15 years old Ami Ortiz was opening his gift of Purim, when a bomb blew instantly on the verge of death. Who organized the attack against the helpless families of Jewish Christians? No know yet, but in the city of Ariel is a poster and orthodox groups, including photos of Jewish Christians, thereby encouraging violence against them, and warns: "Attention Ariel Jews take great care of Jewish messianic sect that tries to turn us all Jews to Christianity. "

The orthodox group has even Gur Chassidim persecuted Messianic Jewish groups by accusing them of dirty Nazis and Christians, also burning the shop where they met. No wonder Jesus announced that, as happened in 70 AD when the Temple of Jerusalem was left ruined by the hordes Roman Vespasian, also now End Times, the greatest suffering on earth was once holy, coming at full gallop, so intense that the Redeemer -referring to it- warned: " then there will be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world will not be. And if those days were shortened, no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened ( Matthew 24: 15-22 ).

The Lord warned us about " in the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and not are more lie "(Revelation 3:9 ). No wonder why the Antichrist will deceive soon mercilessly into believing it is the promised Messiah, and yet God has a remnant of 144,000 Messianic Jews to announce to his people the Good News of the Gospel , which circulate the roundness of the earth for two thousand years, with shame for them to their blindness prophesied ( Rev. 7:1-8).

Hear O Israel, Yeshua of Nazareth: He is the Son of God .

Keep in mind that this time the New Empire Western Roman looming not succeed destroy the work of Pontius Pilate in his great cowardice failed to understand, and tried vainly to hide under the guise of public order, desire for political correctness, or representative democracy. The Kingdom of God is at hand, and Jesus is that we now reject, who has the power to bring that national peace you long, and may the devil or not, the seeds bear fruit eternal in the heavens and the earth .

Israel, Israel! No Pharisees or liberal ideologies will open the gates of eternity, but the Son of God who gave Himself for you and everyone on redemption for sins of those who seek it. Listen to the words of your prophet Zechariah in reference to the coming of the Redeemer: " will pour upon the house of David, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem a spirit of grace and supplication; will look on Me whom they pierced , and will cry ... and cry about only begotten ... as one grieves for his firstborn ... In that day there will be a great mourning in Jerusalem, as the mourning of Adadrimón in the valley of Megiddo "(Zechariah 12:10-11 ). Seek the

Redeemer of Israel and not abuse of those brave enough to announce to you Firstborn the Creator, they are the backbone that has supported you through the centuries, even if you keep ignoring it until now because of your extreme spiritual blindness.

ARG, 2011.

Related article:
- cast into outer darkness.

Vacuum For Freize Carpet

The greatest achievement obtained by "inside" during the period known as the National Organization and ending with the enactment of the National Constitution of Argentina in 1853 is undoubtedly the creation of the Senate (an institution modeled on the American institutional system .)

As the Chamber of Deputies represents the country's total population-weighted by province and proportional to the population for each, the Senate represents the provinces as independent units subject to the Federal Government. So, each senator representing the state of his province to the Federal Government , so it is that notwithstanding population for each province, all 3 senators elected from the constitutional reform of 94 (previously only contributed 2, as in U.S.).

In the metaphysics of the federal structure of the Argentine State, this idea is embodied in the exclusive powers for the Senate, such as Federal Intervention vote of a Province or define the national budget for each year (once in which defines the sharing of the Treasury).

In the province of La Rioja, the present Governor Beder Herrera supports the presidential aspirations of President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner and presented as Governor for the list of the Front for Victory. As to La Rioja is to choose your National Senators this year, each province has the right every 6 years the Front for Victory will arm its list of Senators and attach it to the ballot current governor to be reelected in waiting of a majority (at that time would come to be 2 senators).

Moreover, the local group Dignity and Loyalty responding to the leadership of Dr. Carlos Saul Men * m (political figure in his native La Rioja should enjoy political weight of its own), far integrate the Front for Victory, he enlisted in lines of the so-called Federal Peronism and supports the election of the candidate claims Eduardo Duhalde. However, at the provincial level and as befits a federal system, also support the reelection of the current claims Governor Luis Beder Herrera (although not join the national leadership of FPV, and vice versa) and attach your own ticket of Senators led by Dr. Men * m also on the ballot Beder Herrera in the aspiration to achieve Sen. Minority (ie, the senator is missing) and join the Federal Peronist bloc.

must understand that each province is a separate political universe of imposed by hegemonic public Buenos Aires. That's it. The rest is for you chicanee gilada by twitter Tumini Pelado (our maquiavelito Cordoba who never had to make complex Vicky Donda share ballot Barrett's wife in 2007). Or does South project was not a candidate for the UCR in Catamarca despite its national line dictates that the radicalism is its limit?.

Monday, March 21, 2011

High Heels Large Boobs


by Alejandro Roque González.

Two days prior to the earthquake in Japan now risen at 9.1-warned in the article titled: Intense travail , how would increasing in frequency and intensity of seismic activity, suffering and social unrest. A wave of food shortages and hunger are just about all over the planet, and as always, the poorest will suffer most rigidity. Pests and diseases will be increased deaths pile up the four corners of the earth.

The Great Earthquake , large print, approaches. It

marvel at how, despite many historical landmarks, the human insists on ignoring the existence of the Creator and Nick and social and spiritual impact of sin often backed by the temporary success of power fame, money and gold.

lover of good cinema, read in the news today a short interview with Vatican in Rome made famous Welsh actor Anthony Hopkins as he prepared for his new short film. The wealthy of Hollywood confessed with pride that he did not believe in God or the devil, then as a ray that extends from east to west in fractions of seconds, my mind echoed the writing that says: " The fool has said in his heart, There is no God ( Psalm 14:1).

All without exception are sinners, but the Lord gives them gifts to men and wasted as water is dissipated between the fingers, wrapped in the deceptive sonnet of fame, and not knowing what the devil has authority grant temporary wealth and welfare, and wickedly removed. The same I heard in my undergraduate years, when doctors of science and letters boasted of his abstinence to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, also ridiculed the Divine Son of the Creator: Jesus , and taking it as a cartoon needed that hug, they argued, the ignorant, in the desert of despair. Do not know these lofty academics of different nationalities, the fact that one of the religions that Satan loves with great devotion is atheism, because it encourages the highest impunities unjustified making them instruments of his disgrace and moral relativity.

Is it any wonder I do not believe in the Great Earthquake and its consequences?

ensure that the 104 Today nuclear power plants located in the U.S., are safe enough to withstand an earthquake like that of Japan accompanied by a terrible tsunami, however, rejected the biblical prophecies made so many perish in the true ignorance for centuries history. Currently exist in the world, according to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) -441 nuclear plants operating at full volume, plus other 499 Add in between those already under construction or planned to be built soon. Add in to all this nuclear submarines and other military powers 25.000 nuclear warheads scattered around the planet, and located in the territorial area comprising nations: USA, Russia, China, India, England, France, North Korea, Israel, and Pakistan, being those which are known at present.

Can an earthquake scale and not 9.1, but 20.1, destroy and turn out of control all those nuclear plants and international missile systems, causing a true Revelation?

The Word of God tells us about the Great Earthquake "unique and superior to all-that we are headed, and how we will also be impacted by meteorites from the sky and huge tsunamis. We have been warned from age to age through His prophets, on the modern Final was that we would be living when this event took place. Here we quote 10 books and biblical passages where we announced the impending disaster:

1 - " I will shake the heavens and the earth will shake from its place ... on the day of wrath ... because of the high windows were opened and shook the foundations of the earth. Breaches of the whole earth ... the earth will tremble and fro like a drunkard, it sways like a hut ... The moon will be ashamed and the sun will be confused ... heaven Lift up your eyes and look down to earth: for the heavens shall wastes such as smoke ... "(Isaías13: 13, 24:17-23, 51:6).

2 -" the fish of the sea and the birds and the beasts of the field and all creeping things that creep on earth, and all men who are upon the face of the earth tremble ... and the steep places shall fall, and every wall shall fall to the ground ... "(Ezekiel 38:20).

3 -" Before him tremble the earth will shake the heavens: the sun and moon are darkened, and the stars withdraw their shining ... wonders in heaven and on earth ... the heavens and the earth "(Joel 2:10, 30-31; 3:15-16).

4 - under him melt into the mountains and the valleys shall be cleft, as wax before the fire ... "(Micah 1:4).

5 - " Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven ..." (Matthew 24:29)

6 - " And the stars shall fall from heaven ... "(Mark 13:24-25)

7 -" And upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity the sound of the sea and the waves: men drying because of the fear and looking after those things which are coming the roundness of the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken "(Luke 21:25-26).

8 - Yet once more I shake not only the earth, even more heaven "(Hebrews 12:26).

9 - "... the heavens will disappear with a roar ..." (2 Peter 3:10-12).

10 - "... and behold, a great earthquake, and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair ... and the stars of heaven fell, as a fig tree casts its unripe figs when shaken of a mighty wind ... and every mountain and the islands were moved out of their places ... and fell from heaven a great star, blazing like a torch ... and saw a star fall from heaven on earth ... And he opened the Abyss, smoke rose from it like the smoke of a great furnace, and darkened the sun and air ... there were lightnings and voices and thunder and a severe earthquake, an earthquake so great, as was not since men were upon the earth "(Revelation 6:12-14, 8:10).

Can an earthquake much greater than 9.1 on the Richter scale? According to biblical prophecies themselves, and will occur.

a situation as tragic and depressing for sure is out of our hands and skills. Not money, fame, physical health, well-connected, sophisticated equipment, or how polished is our car can save us. What is the solution? Who should we cleave to survive such an impact?

" Because there is one God and one mediator between God and man: Jesus Christ ..." (1 Timothy 2:5 ).

ARG, 2011.

Related article:
- The Apocalypse of St. John (Part Three) .

Letter Of Community Service From Church


may sound controversial but there is an unwritten rule in provincial politics is that if there tie between ruling party and opposition, then it tends win the ruling.

This is because the party seeking to wrest the governorship to an official consolidated by years, must obtain a reasonably large margin of votes to reverse the weight exerted by the "apparatus" in the count (a sufficient margin so that any attempt of fraud is outrageous for a majority of the inhabitants of the province and not only for national public opinion).

So, in places where the distances are enormous, and the inaccessibility is the rule and the populations are small (making it very difficult to ensure the presence of prosecutors everywhere), the + / - or "margin of error" eats the ruling apparatus. Always.

No objective data to the naked eye to indicate that there was fraud Chubut. Or at least different from objective data recorded in 2007, when the PJ unified (like a big family) was raised to 76% of the vote. Then the blank votes were 16,126 against 13,759 who were this year, and zero were then current 4,916 against 3,596. All that's left are complaints and Necochea tables who testify in this country always gets everything wrong . As he likes to Lilith.

is understood that the candidate Eliceche the results discussed to death and leaving a quartermaster to compete for a governor, and if not wins is into balls. But not of any benefit to the Government an electoral climate crippling walk so far favorable to allegations of fraud that will soon backfire at some time in 2011 . Especially when it became clear to everyone that Das Neves made a choice of shit, and Buzzi-before fidelity to duty is PJ Das Neves and is perfectly aligned to Kirchnerism before a suitable electoral landscape. Or did not Radical Ricardo Colombi be in 2010? Peronism not cry, that's for others.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

My Pointer Wont Work On My Toshiba Laptop

Stalinist purges

"Moyano The strike is on against the government. "The mantra of critical liberalism that gives the government a dynamic that no stagnant PJ.

the same progress that closes ranks with the Kirchner government because it is the first who dared to question the unique speech of the big media monopolies, but as it comes and takes without question the warrant of the Swiss Foreign Ministry (which was not say what was on display from " monopoly"), or the arguments of the international press prepare the ground to make acceptable the bombing of Libya. Or the demonization of the name Saadi. All "speech Hegmon " completito and unsubtle as white sheep read.

ever told me there that are born and Stalinism. The newcomers, want to clarify that there is nothing wrong with be-entering credentials claiming (the latter itself is wrong). The same as in 2009 armed parallel lists in the Province of Buenos Aires - A lifeboat! - that distracted electoral percentages could well have turned the result , while Hugo Moyano brought into play his position as Secretary General of the CGT by little to support a government that had just suffered a resounding electoral defeat (and that in union staged a phenomenal newsprint in their own labor union). Those who voted sticks or Cristina in 2007 (and I prefer not to think about who voted in 2003) now manage the Kirchnerómetro . The same as when something like it, they will vote to Pino.

There's nothing wrong with thinking differently. We are totally in favor of unity in plurality and Sarasa Sarasa. We are not sectarian, of course, we Peronist. What we find unacceptable is that arrogant and authoritarian impulse to "spray" a government that existed before they start voting, and purge it of elements in their design health policy considered negligible. something like a triple A but for the other side . good old Ultra .

Stamina Hugo Moyano. And also Scioli.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Desk Floating Trebuchet

is the right of every people to export its oil to Europe and the U.S. without having to go tolerating distortionary taxes imposed by a dictator to keep a bunch of bums.

why international law, the essential tool that civilized nations have to unleash the unbridled violence against any nation that does not comply with regulations is enforced today in Libya as it did years ago in Iraq.

The bombing of Libya naked, once again to the idiot that has not yet found out, that international law there, and that the world is governed by Hobbesian type chaotic relationships with balances force negotiations and compromises imposed under short-term economic needs of the moment (not slow to break every time you change the balance of power or economic necessity).

Everything else is whispering that only serves to justify bombing of oil producing countries and to feed an international bureaucracy parasites "specialists" socially sensitive has no power or intention to do anything but always condemn evil that everyone everything. Something like an international FREPASO.

If anyone has any doubt about this, you can see how France by the UN in 2003 condemning the American intervention in Iraq and yet-with the economic crisis, are thrown over bombing Libya greed that can only have an oil company looking for raw material. So ladies and gentlemen, European progress was completed, if ever there . Our condolences to the Libyan people.

Dark Urine At 38 Weeks

The Good and the Bad.

by Alejandro Roque González.

's story shows humanity textbooks that describe the good and bad . Those who hold the power in each era, printed texts according to their convenience. I could read it and believe it or suffer the consequences and war.

Fire and violence to bring peace, or peace and regulations to bring universal despotic control and enslavement. Each system with its jukebox of Damocles, and the deception continues. The war is within the human heart and mind are planned daily battles that generate local conflicts, regional, and global.

Winners always justify their ideology and cutting system using slogans that promise good, and stuck into the social psyche. According to them the dictatorship of the proletariat, democracy of debauchery, the Islamization of the peoples, Confucianism, Buddhism, or as a discourse comes to the case-in time and space would be endless to describe them, would bring peace, harmony and happiness forever missed by humans. Each one promises its corrosive mud building, and no matter how super-invent telescope which reveals the infinite expanses of the universe, even so, in your heart, do not see beyond how to convince others of the wonderful system designed Earthlings by the financial apparatus, philosophers, scientists, parrots and storytelling.

Christians today also fall into that trap like lost sheep, fattened in entertainment while being taken to slaughter.

What says the Word of God and Bible prophecy? What is this world, and who will bring justice for centuries?

's go back about 2000 years ago. The Son of God had reached middle age living a humble life as a carpenter among men. The hour set by our God to reveal to him his human destiny and divine return.

is impossible to listen to Yahweh God when we live among many hustle humanities. The Begotten is carried well into the desert to meditate and be tempted for forty days. It was necessary for their-our- heavenly Father whispered the path prophesied since the beginning of the creation ; without However, it should first deal with the prince of the power of the air, the instigator of the centuries that humans fail to recognize and treat it as dark story of the frustrated and oppressed.

The Gospels we describe this event so important not to dismiss it when we need to know who controls the governments- -Good and Bad of this twisted world, and who it is who has the power to rowdy (no matter who they use ), until the Lord bring us the promise of eternal justice, close our doors today. The Salvation not come from men or political system whatsoever. The passage also teaches us that human life, and Christian, in our society must transcend the epilogue set on what I have or who I serve if I want to be recognized as somebody. She says:

"... and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness for forty days he was tempted by the devil. He ate nothing during those days which was past hunger. Then the devil said to him: If thou be the Son of God, command this stone to become bread. And Jesus answering said, It is written not with bread alone doth man live, but by every word of God. And the devil took him to a high mountain and showed him in a moment of time all the kingdoms of the earth . And he said the devil: I will give you all power and the glory of them: for to me is given, and to whomsoever I will give , for if you worship me, all shall be thine. And Jesus answered and said unto him, Get thee behind me Satan, it is written, worship your Lord God, and serve Him only "(Luke 4:1-8 ).

You see, this world has its cunning and harsh driver. Jesus, the Word of God confronts him reminding him that "it is written." The Word of God is the only sword two-edged discerning the intentions of human systems, and if not digested in the depths of our guts, we expense to be fattened by the ideologies of which are advertised as: Good and Bad .

The Kingdom of the Creator not have good and bad, but only children of God. Jesus revealed is the only way by which you can enter the place where mud buildings are not corrosive or textbooks are written by victors or vanquished. -Here-there will be peace and justice promised eternal.

Now is the time to consider spiritually.

ARG, 2011.

Related Articles :
- Nahum: He who brings good news was about, and you never go through the evil .
- Zechariah, the Branch will remove the iniquity of that land in one day .
- Malachi shall the Sun of justice and his wings .

Friday, March 18, 2011

King Furniture Reviews 2010

The ball and rotten potatoes. Japan

by Alejandro Roque González.

Our planet can be associated with a baseball and a potato-potato-according to the form and constitution. The ball has an indestructible core covered by different "peel" to reach the exterior or surface. In turn, the way the globe is more like a potato than a ball, it is not as circular as estimated in the social subconscious.

Affected by constant use, sometimes without care or scruple, others are not taking into account the time, humidity and constant batalleo, the baseball suffers to lose their sewing and languish see its usefulness and physique. If desired, can be repaired, because its nucleus is intact, or discarded if we can be sure that we always have an alternate and renewed. Is not unlike what happens to our blue planet, and the Lord in Word gives us the good news of the Gospel Christian to renew the eternal covenant that we cut at the beginning of creation.

When a potato becomes rotten potato is something that does not happen at once, but that takes time and process. Certain parts more quickly degenerate and sharpness to expand over the whole body tuber rounded. Once infested would be useless, and the only way to save is under fire and prevent it reaches the end rot.

Our globe-according to Bible prophecy, is not very different. The apostle Peter tells us that shall be subjected to fire: " heavens will disappear with a roar and the elements will melt with fire, and earth and the works that are therein shall be burned " (2 Peter 10 ). In the article entitled Intense labor pain , we discussed how the social and natural disasters continue to escalate and increasing global pressure as we approach the coming of our Lord .

Interestingly, in recent history and the past years we lived genocides, such as occurred in Rwanda, were killed about a million human beings in 1994, and tsunami off Indonesia desvastigó and fourteen other nations located in the Indian Ocean in 2004, reaching a figure of more than 230,000 dead. The earthquake of Haiti in 2010 that killed nearly 300,000 people and displaced many others as well as the nuclear crisis currently taking place in Japan after the earthquake and tsunami, among other killings in the events recently occurred in all regions where it is officially recognized much less than 1% of the population consider themselves Christian converts.

Apparently where the light of Christ does not arrive or scarce abundantly, the planet is more prone to corruption towards the end. In none of the places listed people have decided to begin the journey of repentance to the Creator , but only hear and read about the great national pride, human capacity to overcome obstacles and adversity, the heroic and indomitable character such and such a nationality, in short, everything continues diluted between time and space, and the idolatrous, humanist and earthly Deism homo-sapiens.

why not think there is a throne of holiness under the sun that warms us, in a government of our societies, or to escape the collision of centuries prophesied time after time. When, in times that Salvador walked among us, some Galileans narrated the latest massacre ordered by the barbarian Roman procurator Pilate, disputed among themselves which of the dead was more or less sinful to deserve such a bloody human sacrifice, no But Jesus interrupted the conversation and assured them that no matter the social status that it holds, or how sinful or Saints believe, nevertheless if they repented and submitted to God's Salvation Plan , all likewise perish, no matter whether good or bad self-esteem according to their deeds (Luke 13:1-5 ).

The human does not allow the Heavenly Mandate, however, it comes to ambition as an admirable goal for anyone who wants to achieve something in life and to be praised and received in a basically narcissistic world, trapped in complex and diatribes. No wonder the Lord warned His prophet Isaiah about the trial that a day would come to our soil earthly

"Ay of those who join house to house and field to field comers to finish the term! "Dwell alone in the midst of the earth? ... Woe unto them that call evil good and good evil, who make the darkness light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter! Woe to those who are wise in their eyes, and those who are cautious ahead of themselves! ... Of all the earth will be emptied, and utterly spoiled: for Yahweh has spoken this word. Destruyóse, the land fell sick, fell the world sick, the exalted of the earth. And infects the land by its people, they have disobeyed the laws, they have done the right ... For this cause the curse devoured the earth, and dwell therein are desolate: therefore the inhabitants are burned land, and few men ( Isaiah 5:8-30, 24: 3-6 ).

The ball and rotten potato is ready, in the final story is coming, to be baked heavy fire not to be discarded. Looking for the One- Yahweh God-who designed the space ball, and gave life to the potato nutrient earth, because the trial of nations can be seen just around the corner, and many are called but few are chosen.

ARG, 2011.

Related article:
- World War III will come without fail .
- Micah: The mountains melt like wax before the fire .
- The Apocalypse and the visible sign of the Son of God .

Thursday, March 17, 2011

How Many Calories In Bottle Ofholsten Pills


Déjà vu (/ deʒa v / in French 'already seen') or paramnesia is the experience of feeling that has been witnessed or experienced a new situation previously.

8 / 3: " We are building an alternative to bipartisanship in Catamarca " Fernando "Pino" Solanas, National Deputy of Project South.

17 / 3: " continue to be radical and work for the Civic and Social Front again be government." Alejandro Páez, mayor-elect of Andalgalá for MST / South Project.

Typical maneuver Radicalism: A gil gets the vote and celebrate on the Committee.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

2011 Grand Marquis Subwoofer

media deception.

by Alexander
Roque González.

learn and let not fool us like children.

The Japanese government and news sources like CNN come for days manipulating information in relation to the nuclear disaster in the complex Fukushima, reporting it as insignificant and out of danger. Today it is inevitable and had to reveal the truth: the power plant is constantly sending radioactive material into the air pollutant, and the tragedy continues.

Tokyo, the capital city of millions, is concerned because for the high wind is blowing in their direction, and has started an exodus modest, because air travel to South Korea-Seoul-which usually cost $ 200, have soared to $ 1000 per ticket, and certainly, once the exodus increase, it will still happening with the price for each passenger, in the most populous city in the world. In the misfortunes of the tsunami and nuclear reactors is added in the south, the volcano Shinmoedake, which has raised starting to throw lava impetuously to 6000 feet, after having slept in 52 years overall.

This shows how the average citizen still does not capture the size nor the daguerreotype was the world we are living, where the news is not hidden as they were at the time of the Soviet bloc, quite the contrary, now published apparent freedom of speech and press, only sophisticated distorted. That

media machine that has been hiding for days the magnitude and serious process that is happening on the inevitable warming of nuclear reactors is the same television news, virtual and written cheats hidden villages abuses by governments, institutions and repressive apparatus of all nations. Like bunches behind closed doors, agreements involving billions geopolitical People, plans to reduce the global birth control, finance and taxes on citizens, Gardea-mail and telecommunications. Everything comes together to create this global world manipulated dream of you will always have special thought for the devil.

From the biblical point of view we know that the world is heading rapidly towards a world government, where the UN and international organizations will play primarily a role, giving then little by little and step by step the tone and discourse, when the helmsman Antichrist takes control of the public eye with caramelized black magic.

We are about to witness a major disaster in the Middle East. In the article entitled: Damascus, Damascus! Where are you? warned of the coming destruction of the capital city of Syria, occupying, once that happens, the sensationalism of this same press manipulated today, but a substantial difference.

This time they agree to hide the news from the start, as they have now in reference to the nuclear disaster in Japan's Fukushima plant, but-thanks to its antisemitic stance, spread it out all guns blazing, showing Israel as villain of the neighborhood, and breaded by deceit, as is currently the Syrian chemical warfare aimed against the Jewish people, and nuclear facilities around Damascus. They have been regularly dismissed and purpose by Mohamed El Baradei, the then head of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), controlled by the UN. No wonder El Baradei now dreams of becoming the next president of Egypt, as the perfect candidate designed by the global elite, an individual who most of his life he has lived away from the country of the pharaohs.

When Israel-in self-defense use its nuclear deterrent against a massive ballistic and chemical attack against its territory, the press itself published and enlarge the news as much as possible, leading to the monastery treaty of "peace" that needs Antichrist, who backed a media activity unprecedented in the history of nations, and his plan proposes global antiwar rhetoric that characterized , ensuring non-repetition of future disasters.

The reader can see that the Arab world today coincidentally walks uproar, and the economic crisis in the West, created by Wall Street, is thirsty and needed by the emergence of a world class leader, as the puppet is now occupied by the House White will have completed its mission to stamp the collapse of an independent nation. Nation that has been top down and for some time, driven by others who preceded him.

United States and the dollar have been the driving force of the global economy, and once you pile up the financial problems, this delicately affects the rest of the nations. Japan

This emergency will create a direct impact on the American nation and the world, agreeing with the Bible prophecies that announce a planet plunged into perplexity, and also the product of a troubled global economic crisis. Japan is the only friend from USA who buys billions of debt certificates. Once Japan is closed survival drive, drag the U.S. economy to the super-inflation and social unrest, because the money saved to have what you have to use to rebuild its national infrastructure, now affected by the natural disaster-nuclear. And earthquakes are continuing.

The only other country that buys more U.S. debt amount is China, no friend-enemy, but rather an opportunistic nation is waiting for the right moment to sink the U.S. dollar, once used it to strengthen its Communist repressive state apparatus.

year 2011, as mentioned above, is the transition pour the foundation of the last stage of the End Times . And meanwhile the dark intrigues of global politics will not stop in the remaining years ahead.

The puppeteers will be ready for the next puppet Roman world, but knowing that this will be the most pragmatic and cold (ice) of the known so far in human history. Finish eating his teachers, he became the Chief Puppeteer West, sponsored by the Biblical dragon-devil who gives him authority over the nations for a period of twelve hundred and sixty days. At that time two men of God, you are faced with courage from Jerusalem, which nightmare that will not let him sleep in peace (Revelation 11:2-6 ), while the navel of the earth will suffer the unthinkable.

Jesus, the Son of God has no preference -breeds, he said clearly in the parable of the wedding who does not pick him, then scatters, because if you're not regenerated through the Salvation , stay out of the banquet in his Coming :

" And the king heard this ... burned up their city. Then he said to his servants, The wedding is ready, but those who were invited were not worthy ... And when the king came to see the guests, he saw there a man not wearing wedding clothes. And he said how did you not having a wedding garment? But he was speechless. Then the king said to the servants, bound hand and foot, take him and cast him into outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. For many are called but few are chosen "(Matthew 22:7-14 ).

Yes, Israel will suffer still a big fire. He has not learned, however, God has a remnant of 144, 000 Jews (Revelation 7:3-8 ) that have not been impressed by their political and religious, but they know the true Messiah, the Son of God . Before

get those days of anguish happen, as we discussed, the demolition of Damascus followed by a brief peace, and thus Israel will have to put its nuclear arsenal under the control of Chief Puppeteer, using primarily the UN, with the aim of consolidate its international image, pretending that it is the long awaited and expected of the nations. That is why the birth pangs and growing and the world groans in bewilderment, as we stated in the article titled: Intense travail.

When we see how the world press news cleverly does today, to agree and become their global agendas, then we understand how can the world at large and wealthy class, can leave behind a deceptively impostor without merit great rhetoric. The apostle John describes it in detail: " deceived the inhabitants of the earth ... And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb ... If anyone has an ear, hear "(Revelation 13:8-9 , 14-18 ).

Today we see how the monopolies of information once again manipulated the massive abuse and ignorance of the people. Make sure your name is written in the book of life of the Lamb of God , or otherwise, inevitably will be deceived.

ARG, 2011.

Mangas Toddlercon Online

late eighteenth century, the Marquis de Sade organized an orgy in the city of Marseille. But it was an orgy anyone, decided to use a powerful aphrodisiac known as English fly . To pass unnoticed, and since this aphrodisiac can be easily mixed into food or drink, decided to go for dinner where to use it.

The result was as expected, at dinner there was great excitement of the guests, but the result could not be more tragic. The Marquis used a lot and there were many dead and sick as a result of this dinner . The lethal dose is two centigrams English fly, which made the dinner turned into a deadly spree.

As a result of the events, the French courts intervened, but the Marquis de Sade was saved by having influential friends .


clear example of double standard that manages the petty bourgeoisie intellectualized living large port cities and paying income tax under: if one is French and aristocrat, then only this is a controversial act of eccentricity by a transgressive genius of the letters sought by religious oppression .

But who is lucky to be born in Catamarca and, worse still, being the son of a member of the PJ, then all of society's condemnation falls on his dark head, with the major media port to the forefront. Until the church starts (look at the role of the militant and radical nun now gives for saying Brizuela de Moral is an honest man.)

The Libertarian Justicialismo can not help but prefer Ramon Saadi, Saadi our own Marquis impresentable not killed or raped anyone, but concealed the crime of Luque and Tula was governor of Catamarca (and apparently did not move a finger to investigate their responsibility in this issue). Of course, this is a case of impunity that accumulates in other cases also like Kostecki unpunished and Santillan or repression of the murders of 19 and 20 December 2001, which is headed to the port closest characters remaining roam national policy. Fortunately

48% of people Catamarca, unlike the national press has this very clear and includes Ramon Saadi is now a grim and almost marginal subject whose mediocrity is not enough to tarnish the name of Vicente Leonidas Saadi, a man who resisted the dictatorship of Senator lost his seat in '76, I see where Brizuela de Moral was then, and was one of the forgotten fathers of the democratic transition.

to see when locals learn some humility and let's get into what we vote in other districts to focus more on what we voted here.

Monday, March 14, 2011

1998 Escort Surges While Idling

The hope is lost.

by Alejandro Roque González.

Those who live and grew up under a totalitarian dictatorship, know and understand the meaning of the words: hope and despair.

When the city-and society-terminated their rights to freedom undergoing genuine ideological paradigms of each political current, then it is logical to expect degenerative states of depression: reaching the individual and political-economic system.

Our hope is not rooted in sandy heaps regularly dispersed by the wind. Today our societies

regime and are bewildered by the events that occur. Governments are broken down morally, make economies rich princes and beggars. The ends are continually beaten, and social and natural disasters increase in intensity. (Read article titled: Intense travail )

Earthquakes around the world, fish dying by the millions and also birds falling from the sky. Signs in the universe's expansion, wars and regional conflicts, deaths and more deaths, but the entertainment industry does not bend. All of human history would be enough for us to understand that our hope must not be rested on other than our Creator .

In the United States, the last bastion where free world rested great hopes, we see every day the tentacles of a sophisticated totalitarianism, expand and expand. Many Christians, who believed to live in the kingdom of God built by human hands, now they feel hopeless. The Union (U.S.) Abraham Lincoln helped prevent its disintegration, promoting greater carnage in U.S. history, after the Confederates fired the first firecracker on April 12, 1861 against Fort Sumter, is about undergo a final crisis. Again God allows humans to see that hope is not in towers of babel, but Jesus Christ, the cornerstone. New Tower

Western Babel "short but disastrous as any, is about to impose a new five-year, joining the Western world with empty promises of the New World Order, but the Lord Jesus Christ warned us about blindness that cheat in Humans have lived for millennia, indicating the purpose of entering the world: " I, for trial I came to this world: those who see not might see, and those who see may become blind (s . John 9:39).

If you believe that your intelligence and humanistic ideology is sufficient to achieve the dream of redemption, then the Son of God and the man Jesus Christ scandal and you will stumble, increasing your blindness. If the only begotten surprises you in your blindness, then you will understand with humility the Divine Plan to bring everlasting righteousness. Do not make God a liar, I would not bring anything good. The Holy Word says:

" If we receive the witness of men, the witness of God is greater: for this is the witness of God which he hath testified of his Son. He that believeth on the Son of God hath the witness in himself: he that believeth not God hath made Him a liar, because he has not believed the testimony God gave of his Son. And this is the testimony: God has given us eternal life and this life is in His Son "(1 John 5:9-12 ).

not let the ambitions and goals to increase your blindness.

not let the suffering generated product of our wrong actions and decisions in life separate you from achieving promised Kingdom of God and the benefit of an eternity without tears or torment. Put your trust in the end of the road, not on the passenger's destination intersecting curves.

ARG, 2011.

Related article:
- The New World Order. Var gaJsHost

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Pedestal Fan Power Watt

When the sun shines.

by Alejandro Roque González.

In the year 1056 of the Creation through Noah born a generation apart from God. Around him a world that just handed him a thousand years to fill and cram of corruption and violence.

The picture was so dark and sad that the Plan of God nearly subverted, unless more urgently ripped the cancer surgeon, lest it spread and all perished. The condition was so critical that God told Noah: " The end of all flesh is come before me, for the earth is filled with violence through them: and, behold, I will destroy the earth ( Genesis 6:13).

Note that when you say "I will destroy with land" means-plus floor-meat to the cities and works of men, not the planet. The Scriptures can be misinterpreted when not guided by assiduously studying Holy Spirit of God. The same applies to the apocalyptic Judgement to us. They refer to works produced on the surface, and polluted concrete jungles that we have built, being the product of our societies.

The flood water was complete, covering all the planet's surface, and Noah and his family found favor with God. Today we Gradec this man of God have stood firm, even when everyone like crazy and taking fan announcing bad news. Thanks to him we stand today. Read article entitled: Noah, friend, I remember .

If the reader cares about deciphering how these events came to this day, know that the biblical chronology analyzing the Hebrew patriarchs lived, from generation to generation, knowing his grandfather Noah. When Noah died, the patriarch Abraham was 58 years old, and in turn Sem continued to live another 152 years. No one knew him, but in the year 2123 of Creation, when Abraham died, the patriarch Shem lived another 35 still springtime. When Isaac was killed Sem 110 years, long enough to talk with his grandfather. Add in to this that Jacob, the founding patriarch of Israel, was 50 when Shem died, and 15 years old when his grandfather Abraham died. No doubt all had much time to talk.

After Noah leaves the ark, God promises that the land (surface) would never return to destroy water, however, is revealed later in the Scriptures -Trial the nations suffer an apocalyptic event, this time with devouring fire. The Apostle Peter prophesied to our days, he said to his disciples: "But the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night, in which the heavens will disappear with a roar and the elements will melt with fire, and earth and the works that are therein shall be burned "(2 Peter 3:10 ) .

Today the Pope of turn-who declares himself sitting in the chair of St. Peter, it costs a lot of effort and work, avoiding being branded politically incorrect, managing issues as negligible (published in his latest book published by the Vatican ) and accept by heart the events that took place the night that our Lord was surrounded by the Jewish Sanhedrin of Annas and Caiaphas before being crucified. Now imagine telling the world, taking advantage of the media audience that has "the fire devour their cities and towns. The Vicar apparently doing very worried after the news of his famous telescope Lucifer, located at the University of Arizona. Not understand or know the captious bribión "because you do not believe, that once the fire goes down, there will be no time to analyze their Jesuit astronomers report it, as I have reported their whereabouts secret manic and over the centuries.

This is the time to seek Yahweh God. Jesus said, " And if your eye causes you to sin, pluck it out is better for thee to enter the kingdom of God with one eye, than having two eyes to be cast into Gehenna, where their worm does not die and the fire is not quenched. For everyone will be salted with fire "(Mark 9:47-49 ).

-by Do not let show the world that your eye is politically correct, "that your body is salt into the eternal fire. Find your Salvador tirelessly . He suffered for you and lived a simple life, may have been born on the throne of Rome and did not.

The sun begins its new cycle of active heating hydrogen and helium burning intensely in the center, becoming more dense at a temperature of millions of degrees. According to NASA since 1610 in which Galileo Galilei observed the sun through his telescope, determined that a cycle occurs approximately 11 years before major eruptions reach the atmosphere of our globe. When this cycle is called Solar Cycle 24. " They watch the massive and violent eruptions electromagnetic radiation from the sun affecting our planet's magnetic field and its surroundings, all well documented to this day.

This alters the environmental conditions and time, as well as potential seismic activity, matching once daily with the approach of the moon to the earth. Here we are not referring to global warming false preaching the pseudo-political Al Gore, who boasts making millions of dollars in its global campaign sponsored by the UN, calling for moderation ecological humans, but he lived up steam, getting enough oil to light any third world population.

These activities "abnormal" are not generated by humans. Are beyond our reach, and are not common.

This solar warming in the 1950s was able to neutralize several satellites, now NASA scientists predict an unprecedented increase of 30-50% higher than usual, based on a computer model developed by the Center National Research Atmospheric (NCAR), with the aim of preventing national disasters in telecommunications and power plants, which could be severely affected. According to them, this cycle of high activity could be raised gradually from the years 2011-2012 onwards, reaching a maximum preferably in 2013.

Is this warming we predict the Scriptures mouth of different apostles and prophets?

may partly yes, but that we announce the Word of God is larger, and refers to the last 3 ½ years of our current era, in which humans vociferate still arrogantly believe self control their destiny. The apostle John in his vision reveals: " And the fourth angel poured out his vial upon the sun, and it was given power to scorch men with fire. And men were scorched with great heat, and blasphemed the name of God ... and do not repent and give glory "(Revelation 16:8-9 ). This

-now is the time to seek the Lord and give it its deserved glory.

ARG, 2011. Related Articles

- Milagros liars.
- Noah, friend, I remember .
- Intense travail.
- Micah: The mountains melt like wax before the fire .
- Joel: between consuming fires and embers.
- were water and fire will be.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

What Is My Dreamweaver Registration

Part One: Religion in the New Era.

by Alejandro Roque González.
The world is approaching a crossroads promised in the Word of God , and as we approach a new religion is woven. You filosofea to humans on a new era that is coming, and with it returns the old and evil sonata proud of Genesis, as sounding brass and tinkling cymbal.

In the Garden of Eden and are plotting new religions and ideologies. Lucifer, disguised as a serpent godmother cunning enemy of all truth-establishing the foundation of all human doctrines that arise from time, when holding its dialogue with Eva:

" Now the serpent was more crafty than any beast of the field which Yahweh God had made and she said to the woman," with which God says: You shall not eat of every tree of the garden? And the woman said unto the serpent, the fruit of the trees of the garden we eat, but the fruit of the tree in the midst of the garden God said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die. And the serpent said unto the woman, not die, but God knows the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil . " ( Genesis 3:1-5). Not

the fact of knowledge which brought down the human, but to abrogate the right to become arrogant, separated from God-the architect of its own destiny, using if necessary evil, believing in turn wise God and eternity source . Today we see the result: 6000 years of history where genocidal wars, hunger, abuse and indoctrination have not ceased, and we are approaching the worst of all: the deception was more sophisticated and smoother than man has known, is among us today.

We repeat, once again, the old dialogue occurred in the Garden of Eden.

Once Adam and Eve saw their rebellion, sin entered in human nature, and thus the physical and spiritual death. When we come into this world of nature are not good as new religions and seek to ensure biological science. While the environment and experiences indict human character and life in society, sin is inherent in our genes come from that we see the sunlight. No wonder the Holy Spirit revealed to its natural condition psalmist who wrote: "Here I was shapen in iniquity and in sin my mother conceived me " (Psalm 51:5 ).

Sin brought us not only physical death but also brought us the spiritual, to cut the umbilical cord away joined us here using an aphorism-explanatory-the Blessed Creator . Spiritual death is obviously claimed by the need for a Savior that we could return to the spiritual state that existed before Eve had that dialogue with fatal human Adversary. That is why another dialogue, this time prophetic-occurs between Eve and God, where the Creator warns that the suffering would have been inevitable ever since (because of the spiritual condition in which self fell because of its rebellion), but through his belly would one day Redeemer of mankind, ensuring that He would bruise Satan mortally that that dragged the pain and lies (Genesis 3:15-16 ). God promised Eve and another dialogue, at some point in history, concluded between them again, this time heralding the return of lost hope.

The plan of redemption human walking threw the centuries unfold, and the same day that a poor woman in the village of Nazareth, Mary, who by his great simplicity and mercy dreamed please his Creator , the angel of the Lord appears in the name of God, and promised dialogue, this time determining is held for the welfare of humanity:

" Then the angel told Mary not fear, for you have found favor with God. And here conceive in your womb and bear a son and call his name Jesus. This will be great and will be called Son of the Highest: and the Lord God will give you the throne of David his father: And he shall reign over the house of Jacob forever, and of his kingdom there will be no end ( Luke 1: 30-33 ).

His kingdom will be eternal, without end. That's

Salvador Jesus (Yeshua). It is not a religious leader, but the Son of God . The name of Jesus symbolically had been prophetically announced centuries ago in the person of Joshua (Yeshua), the Jewish deliverer, Moses died once was in charge of God's people enter the promised land, in the same way that Jesus will with the Church of all the earth, nations and ethnic groups that have received as his personal Salvador, the kingdom of his Father .

So it is not Mohammed, Buddha, Krishna, Madi, and now announces that the movement of the "Religion of the New Era" (located in London), calling the great Maitreya. Do not be deceived, is Jesus Christ through whom we can only cleave to God, he said clearly: " I am the way and the truth and the life: no man cometh unto the Father but by me " (John 14:6 ).

In the book entitled: "earth, earth, earth! hear the word of Yahweh, "which can be downloaded for free on this blog page, the reader can study and find out how the prophets of God from age to age the coming of the Savior through the tribe of Judah, who turn would be a travesty of God, and not a charlatan humanist, even when apparently the best intentions.

Do not be fooled by the devil transformed. There is no "Religion New Age" (New Age Religion), or humanistic ecumenism unifying announcing some mystic who claims to have exclusive contacts and communication with a special leader. Do not be dragged before the false and cunning manipulation. The new era is another fallacy planted since ancient times when the dictator Nimrod unified totalitarian elite in the eastern land of Shinar, prompting the international community to build the Tower of Babel , trying in vain to replace God (Genesis 11:4).

The Western world has been bombarded with tarot cards, astrology, crystal balls with unique powers that attract a lot of "positive energy" into believing that God is the fulfillment of human potential that we are gods, and the richer they are made more credible. Others are monistic, who believe that our powers come from a great universal energy. There pantheistic metaphysical, reincarnated, esoteric, occult, magic, Kabbalists, atheist, fortune tellers, spiritualists, Freemasons, secret societies, ecumenism, ecology, mysticism, universalistic, and all united in this supposed new religion that announces the NWO under the Age of Aquarius , absorbing their remaining time to the traditional religions.

That fallacy of the "Age of Aquarius " stamp the world with the absolute necessity of creating a world government, designed as a "new order", which supposedly achieved by humans, and thanks to a singular global leader eliminate wars, plagues, diseases, pollution and poverty, bringing the dream of world peace. That the zodiac associated with mixing with relevant historical events that once occurred in the past, now all together, come together to bring "new global age."

not believe him. God calls us to relationship, not religion, and is through his Son risen. Not on the cross but rose from the dead to the glory of God the Father .

Remember how God instructs his people to avoid being dragged behind these false idolatry, when he said: " not be found among you ... practicing divination, or a soothsayer, or omens, or a sorcerer, or forger of spells, or who ask a python, or magic, or one who inquires of the dead. Because God is an abomination to Yahweh all that do these things "(Deuteronomy 18:10-12 ).

is the Deception was used by those designing the New Empire Western Roman under the tutelage of world leader, who is none other than the prophesied Antichrist Bible, who will bring bitterness and death to the human race, but not before the false messiah appear as expected, a champion of peace and international reconciliation, and supported by this movement proclaims the " Age of Aquarius." Continued ...

ARG, 2011.