sophisticated technology ever reach levels experienced by the human race, and thus the Lie is sophisticated with equal bombast. Lie
This is with "M" capitalized because walking silently behind multi-occupied and multiplied the martingale of Satan, whom Jesus called it " murderer ... he is a liar and the father of lies " (John 8 : 44 ).
In this quote the word "father" holds the meaning of the creator, inventor and originator of the lie, with the primary purpose of extinguishing the human race, without coming into eternity promised by the Son of God . This false operator described by Jesus is also a murderer dressed as an angel of light which in turn features distinguish the elect, from among several that have taken over the course of human history: the political state soon to be renamed in the world arena, and established in the Scriptures as the Antichrist.
No matter how much we will want to ignore it, evil exists, and very sophisticated matching each time, but always feeding the ignorance of humans and trails providing stunning. Recently
Organization United Nations (UN)-as if not enough portfolios components bureaucrats who created a new administrative position that Representative Adam will welcome, if aliens visit us. No friends, no joke, the post was created last year in September 2010 when Malaysia astrophysics, Mazlan Othman, was officially crowned as the new manager to welcome the aliens, once they visit us mounted on its deadly asteroids.
not seem to ignore the biblical warnings and are aware of them, however, this is a way more ominous than it seems.
The UN is an organization that was founded embryonic formation from the League of Nations that, once the carnage of World War -horrified many, including the then U.S. President Woodrow Wilson, who not believe that after this world there malicious controls, agreed to be the protagonist, and encourage the creation of an organization that channeled the intentions of the majority, preventing total disaster. President did not know for sure, that wars are fueled by financial conglomerates international, attracting capital and creating untold profits; example of this is that the new League could not prevent World War . The trio of Hitler, Mussolini and Stalin were perfect cards for the international bankers. All three were narcissistic uncompromising, arrogant nature, and murderers Mao Tse Tung type, located in the perfect theater: Europe.
-globalists who are plotting a long-knew that the only way to create a world empire Western turn to dominate politics and the market was trying to unite the disunited Europe and its colonies, creating modern the European Union (EU), and then interleave the United States of America (USA), and dominate global geopolitics. This would be a viviparous task could not bear her fetus in the light of day, but would gradually work periods and creating objective and subjective conditions through the years. A war was necessary to solidify the financial power with the guidance of a chosen elite, and in turn organize political power under the auspices of such privileged. Hence the creation of the United Nations Organization once the WWII as prominent successor League Nations.
The population has grown so much, according to these wizards of euthanasia, which only a Third World War may curb the overpopulation of our blue planet. Its population control programs where possible eliminate any trace of human birth through the UN and organizations like Planned Parenthood global scale have failed, and it is possible to create a world empire if land resources can not guarantee maintenance of modern royalty. The elite who dream of subjugating the inhabitants of the earth knows that only God, the Giver of life-one who can create a system where life is a right eternal and not limited, but still rebel, strive to take their place with impunity, so try to reduce the population of the region that dream of subjugating the world.
This time they will hand their ideological zeal to create a society "pragmatic" and world-such as eliminating the Communists tried to individuality and freedom to choose the right to existence Yahweh God gave us from the first moment we breathe in the sun, when we enter this life. But no World War III will come without fail and control the course apparently achieved, using UN on the international nuclear arsenal, will surprise you one day, seeing the sunrise over the great cities of the world falling like house of cards, wrapped in fear and contempt of their master, Satan, being deceived themselves.
The UN is nothing more than a nest of globalists eager to control all nations, promising food crumbs, and educational programs and humanitarian assistance as a mask to hide his true intentions. Please note that all this: international, nuclear age, internet, population control and global depositors plans, it is no accident that occurred at End Times as prophesied the prophet Daniel, but it is quite a testimonial on the oil compliance ominous is about the descendants of Adam. However, the descendants of Christ, by choice, have nothing to fear, because we know " all who have been baptized into Christ, you are dressed Christ" (Galatians 3:26-17 ) and no is antichrist, global organization, elite rogue, or religious leader herald of false humanism, which can rob us of hope was planted in our hearts, not intimidate you dream enough, enhancing promote unleash threats of death (Hebrews 2: 14-15).
These schemers know that God's children bear the stamp and image of the Creator and, even when they try to ignore that we know, are prepared to deceive the masses lost in the global entertainment and confusion, using technological and scientific advances hidden and out of reach to ordinary citizens, making them seem like they are "miracles" from a global hierarchy headed by a leader who becomes a god and patron of humans, falsely promising a bright future and the total eradication of hunger and international terrorism . That is why the apostles Paul and John showed us that this wicked show: " signs and lying wonders. And with all unrighteous deception ... and does great wonders, so that even makes fire come down from heaven to earth, before men. And he deceives those who dwell on the earth by those miracles which he had power to do in the presence of the beast ( the 2nd Thessalonians 2:8-10, Revelation 13:13-14 ).
This week the government of Great Britain-London-where near New York, cooked and baked the global systemic financial decisions that threaten the sites of Rome, Washington DC, Strasbourg and Brussels, revealed new parliamentary documents, such as is occurring since the year 2008-about alleged UFO flying, not related, they say, with scientific discoveries designed by NASA and ESA (European Space Agency) and sponsored by the Pentagon, but of possible extraterrestrial visits occurred in recent decades.
Are we surprised that the UN had created a ministerial portfolio for such "contacts" at the right time?
media manipulation will see this increase, once your employer knows that God is evil about to be seen in human history with miracles announced by Jesus Christ 2000 years " Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of heaven shall be shaken ... "(Matthew 24:29 ) .
They know it and try to prepare the world from now on with stories of UFOs and appearances while complementing its program of lying wonders. The Devils did everything possible to prevent Christ came to the cross of Calvary, but this did not not know him. They knew him and knew who he was and there was a time for everything that happens in every age: "And behold cried, saying, What have you, Jesus, Son of God? Have you come here to torment us before the time? ... And the demons begged ... "(Matthew 8:28-31 ).
The fact that he knowingly created the ministerial post in the UN under the title of Director of United Nations extraterrestrial affairs, is the assumption cryptic want to impregnate an important and serious role.
Once entering the final events in his run-up to World War III , the world will see continued and increased signs and lying wonders "heavenly" as is the spiral types seen in the sky recently Norway and on the coasts of California, the flying object (UFO) appeared on the mosque and Dome of the Rock located in the area where once there existed-and-the Temple of God in Jerusalem, so as to monopolize the energy shocks global sky . Events
these to be transmitted over the Internet and television screens around the world, so a whole system of ultra-modern laser refracted from the upper atmosphere, which give the impression that such a "world leader" is supernatural and worthy of worship. Note that the Word of God warns that once achieved lowering deceptively fire from heaven, the goal often is to " all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand or on their foreheads ... and make anyone who does not worship the image of the beast is dead ( Revelation 13:15-18).
As we see the goal is to appear as the new world and messianic religious leader (who some now call the great Maitreya) worthy of worship, which of course becomes God awaited by all, and part of the system 666. This evil clown murderer, possessed from the dark world of the father of lies, soon seek the union of all "religions" and managed to drag the rich and poor, including the academic cream of the world with his cunning peacemaker.
is nothing new in history, as happened in the days of Communist empire to see human beings willingly, who had the best intentions, but deceived after a speech to a utopian ideology that showed them the possibility of building a just society Creator -sections of -where citizens would enjoy being able to view the sleeve and happiness. Today
existing even within the global elite, many who sincerely believe the numbing speech promising that castle humanist religion and glory, and many of them are themselves owners of the monopoly of information and scientific supplies. Listen
and never forget, no matter where and under what circumstances you are dear reader. Humans can not stand to eternity removing death forever, without first embrace and receive the child of Bethlehem. He said: " I am the resurrection and the life: he that believeth in me, though he die, shall live " (John 11:25 ). ARG
Read articles on this blog related and graduates :
- The New World Order.
- Who is the Antichrist?
- System 666 and the Mark of the Beast .
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