The result was as expected, at dinner there was great excitement of the guests, but the result could not be more tragic. The Marquis used a lot and there were many dead and sick as a result of this dinner . The lethal dose is two centigrams English fly, which made the dinner turned into a deadly spree.
As a result of the events, the French courts intervened, but the Marquis de Sade was saved by having influential friends .
clear example of double standard that manages the petty bourgeoisie intellectualized living large port cities and paying income tax under: if one is French and aristocrat, then only this is a controversial act of eccentricity by a transgressive genius of the letters sought by religious oppression .
But who is lucky to be born in Catamarca and, worse still, being the son of a member of the PJ, then all of society's condemnation falls on his dark head, with the major media port to the forefront. Until the church starts (look at the role of the militant and radical nun now gives for saying Brizuela de Moral is an honest man.)
The Libertarian Justicialismo can not help but prefer Ramon Saadi, Saadi our own Marquis impresentable not killed or raped anyone, but concealed the crime of Luque and Tula was governor of Catamarca (and apparently did not move a finger to investigate their responsibility in this issue). Of course, this is a case of impunity that accumulates in other cases also like Kostecki unpunished and Santillan or repression of the murders of 19 and 20 December 2001, which is headed to the port closest characters remaining roam national policy. Fortunately
48% of people Catamarca, unlike the national press has this very clear and includes Ramon Saadi is now a grim and almost marginal subject whose mediocrity is not enough to tarnish the name of Vicente Leonidas Saadi, a man who resisted the dictatorship of Senator lost his seat in '76, I see where Brizuela de Moral was then, and was one of the forgotten fathers of the democratic transition.
to see when locals learn some humility and let's get into what we vote in other districts to focus more on what we voted here.
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