The Pharisees are back. The Great Earthquake
by Alejandro Roque González.
The nation of Israel will suffer even the greatest of all his sufferings. Events and political environment that led to the crucifixion of our Lord and subsequent destruction of the Temple of Jerusalem doubled again, just in a different time and circumstances, as well as the final result. God is no respecter of persons as many mistakenly amass in their minds ( Deuteronomy 10:17). Starting this analysis
-over events occurring in Israel, and religious orthodoxy of today, do not pretend to feed the evil anti-Semitic trend; On the contrary, our attitude should be prophetically linked to the fact that we need to open the eyes of people who, together with the international crowd-anda Paleolithic blind. My admiration for the Jewish people goes beyond human passion, and is based on the Divine Plan to bring everlasting righteousness, and promised eternal dawn, in which the Jews have played an extraordinary role that will be remembered from generation generation, and trunk that attracted the kind redemption of wild olive.
When Moses tired from the hard-heartedness of the Jews-who represented also, at that time, the harshness that has sin within each human being-and constant quarrel with Yahweh God, Creator asks that even his name was erased and destroyed from his book forever, unless you forgive such inconsistency. And all for the fact they have trusted in false gods of gold, it is then that the Holy One replied: " has sinned against me, him will I blot out of my book. Therefore now go, lead the people where I told you ... that on the day of my visit I will visit their sin upon them "(Exodus 32:31-34 ).
still have one last visitation of sin, suddenly fell on top of a global humanity-and people-that stubbornness and assistance with trust in their gods of flesh and gold, believing in turn that any religion or orthodoxy will provide some kind of passport to glory.
Rabbi largest ever known to history, Son of God and man Jesus Christ, told the Jewish Pharisees, who boasted to be the only ones who know the divine secrets, becoming children of the Creator " If God were your Father certainly would love me: for I have God and I came out, I did not come of myself, but he sent me. Why did not understand my speech? because you can not hear my word. Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do ... that is of God hears God's words, therefore you do not hear, because are not of God "(John 8:41-47 ) .
These words were addressed to the Jewish Orthodox cream time. It later-even if the only begotten had power to give and take back your life-from taking advantage of the darkness, attacking and him that historic evening, when the Jewish Sanhedrin court rides his diabolical and falsely accused delivered later the Roman procurator Pilate to be crucified. After the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ not yet ceased, and the nascent Church first suffered the wrath and bloody persecutions under the knife of these wretches.
Messianic Jews, Jewish Christians today suffer unrelieved rallies of repudiation, discrimination, terror, abuse and incitement to violence of the ultra-Orthodox who now call themselves followers of Yahweh God as recently groups Yad L'achim and Gur Chassidim, who attacked the Jewish Christians for the mere fact of believing in this rabbi who did not fear for 2000 years to tell them face to face, while the people slept, he was the true Messiah and Son of God promised in the Scriptures . The same was then chased the nascent Church, today it also burned their places of meetings, in the year 2011, at the gates as they say the return of Jesus . With what courage they will face the wrath of the Lamb of God at his coming?
These Haredim do not have the courage to enlist in the army to defend their nation, the land God promised to our father Abraham, using the pretext that they are religious, but they are brave to do acts of repudiation against Christians such as in the city of Arad, compared the home of Polly Sigulin , a Jewish-Christian widow who even his three sons served in the Israeli army, just because she belongs to a Judeo-Christian congregation, led by men of God as the pastor Yakima Figueras, and there they go and lash out with the same hatred of Christians persecuted in the days of Herod the Tetrarch. If you are interested in seeing part of this report will find it in the video titled "Religious harassment in Arad ( ), or can get the link here.
Another development has attracted attention recently. Just a few months have passed since a family of Jewish Christians in the city of Ariel, suffered a terrorist attack on celebrating Purim in their modest home. Purim is the date which marks the Jewish liberation, through the intervention of Queen Esther at the time of the Persian King Ahasuerus (Esther 9:7-28 ). That day his only son 15 years old Ami Ortiz was opening his gift of Purim, when a bomb blew instantly on the verge of death. Who organized the attack against the helpless families of Jewish Christians? No know yet, but in the city of Ariel is a poster and orthodox groups, including photos of Jewish Christians, thereby encouraging violence against them, and warns: "Attention Ariel Jews take great care of Jewish messianic sect that tries to turn us all Jews to Christianity. "
The orthodox group has even Gur Chassidim persecuted Messianic Jewish groups by accusing them of dirty Nazis and Christians, also burning the shop where they met. No wonder Jesus announced that, as happened in 70 AD when the Temple of Jerusalem was left ruined by the hordes Roman Vespasian, also now End Times, the greatest suffering on earth was once holy, coming at full gallop, so intense that the Redeemer -referring to it- warned: " then there will be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world will not be. And if those days were shortened, no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened ( Matthew 24: 15-22 ).
The Lord warned us about " in the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and not are more lie "(Revelation 3:9 ). No wonder why the Antichrist will deceive soon mercilessly into believing it is the promised Messiah, and yet God has a remnant of 144,000 Messianic Jews to announce to his people the Good News of the Gospel , which circulate the roundness of the earth for two thousand years, with shame for them to their blindness prophesied ( Rev. 7:1-8).
Hear O Israel, Yeshua of Nazareth: He is the Son of God .
Keep in mind that this time the New Empire Western Roman looming not succeed destroy the work of Pontius Pilate in his great cowardice failed to understand, and tried vainly to hide under the guise of public order, desire for political correctness, or representative democracy. The Kingdom of God is at hand, and Jesus is that we now reject, who has the power to bring that national peace you long, and may the devil or not, the seeds bear fruit eternal in the heavens and the earth .
Israel, Israel! No Pharisees or liberal ideologies will open the gates of eternity, but the Son of God who gave Himself for you and everyone on redemption for sins of those who seek it. Listen to the words of your prophet Zechariah in reference to the coming of the Redeemer: " will pour upon the house of David, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem a spirit of grace and supplication; will look on Me whom they pierced , and will cry ... and cry about only begotten ... as one grieves for his firstborn ... In that day there will be a great mourning in Jerusalem, as the mourning of Adadrimón in the valley of Megiddo "(Zechariah 12:10-11 ). Seek the
Redeemer of Israel and not abuse of those brave enough to announce to you Firstborn the Creator, they are the backbone that has supported you through the centuries, even if you keep ignoring it until now because of your extreme spiritual blindness.
ARG, 2011.
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