by Alejandro Roque González.

's story shows humanity textbooks that describe the good and bad . Those who hold the power in each era, printed texts according to their convenience. I could read it and believe it or suffer the consequences and war.
Fire and violence to bring peace, or peace and regulations to bring universal despotic control and enslavement. Each system with its jukebox of Damocles, and the deception continues. The war is within the human heart and mind are planned daily battles that generate local conflicts, regional, and global.
Winners always justify their ideology and cutting system using slogans that promise good, and stuck into the social psyche. According to them the dictatorship of the proletariat, democracy of debauchery, the Islamization of the peoples, Confucianism, Buddhism, or as a discourse comes to the case-in time and space would be endless to describe them, would bring peace, harmony and happiness forever missed by humans. Each one promises its corrosive mud building, and no matter how super-invent telescope which reveals the infinite expanses of the universe, even so, in your heart, do not see beyond how to convince others of the wonderful system designed Earthlings by the financial apparatus, philosophers, scientists, parrots and storytelling.
Christians today also fall into that trap like lost sheep, fattened in entertainment while being taken to slaughter.
What says the Word of God and Bible prophecy? What is this world, and who will bring justice for centuries?
's go back about 2000 years ago. The Son of God had reached middle age living a humble life as a carpenter among men. The hour set by our God to reveal to him his human destiny and divine return.
is impossible to listen to Yahweh God when we live among many hustle humanities. The Begotten is carried well into the desert to meditate and be tempted for forty days. It was necessary for their-our- heavenly Father whispered the path prophesied since the beginning of the creation ; without However, it should first deal with the prince of the power of the air, the instigator of the centuries that humans fail to recognize and treat it as dark story of the frustrated and oppressed.
The Gospels we describe this event so important not to dismiss it when we need to know who controls the governments- -Good and Bad of this twisted world, and who it is who has the power to rowdy (no matter who they use ), until the Lord bring us the promise of eternal justice, close our doors today. The Salvation not come from men or political system whatsoever. The passage also teaches us that human life, and Christian, in our society must transcend the epilogue set on what I have or who I serve if I want to be recognized as somebody. She says:
"... and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness for forty days he was tempted by the devil. He ate nothing during those days which was past hunger. Then the devil said to him: If thou be the Son of God, command this stone to become bread. And Jesus answering said, It is written not with bread alone doth man live, but by every word of God. And the devil took him to a high mountain and showed him in a moment of time all the kingdoms of the earth . And he said the devil: I will give you all power and the glory of them: for to me is given, and to whomsoever I will give , for if you worship me, all shall be thine. And Jesus answered and said unto him, Get thee behind me Satan, it is written, worship your Lord God, and serve Him only "(Luke 4:1-8 ).
You see, this world has its cunning and harsh driver. Jesus, the Word of God confronts him reminding him that "it is written." The Word of God is the only sword two-edged discerning the intentions of human systems, and if not digested in the depths of our guts, we expense to be fattened by the ideologies of which are advertised as: Good and Bad .
The Kingdom of the Creator not have good and bad, but only children of God. Jesus revealed is the only way by which you can enter the place where mud buildings are not corrosive or textbooks are written by victors or vanquished. -Here-there will be peace and justice promised eternal.
Now is the time to consider spiritually.
ARG, 2011.
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