Friday, March 4, 2011

Milena Velba - Floorclean

El Tigre Asia prepares for the great war. The New World Order

by Alejandro Roque González.

Only five months ago the Russian Bear showed his heavy belly and belligerent intentions in the eyes of the West, during a military parade in Red Square Moscow Kremlin to the point of inviting future gladiators to take part amicably.

baleadores and bolas Many useful spread and believed in turn that "red" just commemorated the Nazi defeat 65 years ago, and the cries of the Great Patriotic War, as used to be called-in times when studied in the academies of Air Force former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), but really showed the New Western Empire in training, its conventional military weapons development, and its thousands of nuclear warheads.

The world is moving towards the global confrontation which are preparing the armies of the nations in the last fifty years, spending billions of dollars and resources from the Clock End Times began ticking down Once created the UN and then-in 1948-founded the State of Israel as was prophesied to happen, turn coincides with the newly released nuclear age.

The real big war, is not celebrating the former Soviet Union, but that really is coming, and Tigre Asia-including China and countries of Asia, not idly watching the show entertaining. The head of his army weapon Tigre, because fools comic view of vampires and aliens.

The Word of God not wrong, and telling the Third World War clearly warns us of an innumerable army coming from the east of the planet, which will join the international military conflagration, wiping out a third of humans, and so detail the prophecy says:

" Loose the four angels which are bound in the great river Euphrates ... which were prepared for the hour and day and month and year, to slay the third part of men. And the number of the army of the horsemen was two hundred million ... which had breastplates of fiery red, hyacinth and sulfur. The heads of the horses ... from their mouths came fire and smoke and brimstone. By these three was killed a third of men by the fire, and smoke, and brimstone, which issued out of their mouths. For their power is in your mouth and in their tails ... "(Revelation 9:15-19 .) First

say that 2000 years ago when the Apostle John wrote this revelation, all the existing world did not reach two hundred million people, including elders, women and children, let alone an army of such magnitude, it was as unthinkable. He showed our current era. Discuss

also the detailed description that makes us here armored tanks and missile carriers to drench the area of \u200b\u200bIsrael coming from the east and the Euphrates, something very difficult for him to describe with words, according to the language of their time-could be used, making emphasis on the Defiler torrent of fire, smoke and sulfur that is destructive power was presented in front of their blind eyes, the angel who showed him the grisly sight.

God's man watching a modern war, which he described as he could as he did earlier in his time also Hebrew prophet Ezekiel.

Today we announced that China, beginning in the year 2011 will return to its arms race with a 12.7% increase in defense spending. To get a graphic idea will add the data released by the Institute of Strategic Studies in Britain.

Note the increase total. According to official Chinese government, the budget for military spending in 1992 was 4.46 trillion, representing an increase of 13.8% compared to 1991. In 2010 and walked the 77.90 billion, representing an increase of 7.5% over the previous year 2009. And as if that were not enough in a country where most needs-starved-out of industrial air-capitalized in 2011 estimated spending of $ 91.5 billion, an increase of 12.7%, as well as can be seen in this graph .

India and the Asian rim countries are equally concerned to rearm such military expenditures. Everyone will eventually add up to Tigre, where they witness the arrogance of Western Antichrist, the Russian invasion-Turkish-Persian-Arab anti-Israel, and also fear being left behind in the division of oil wealth and geopolitical joint area, forming in then the whole army of 200 million predicted by the apostle of God , not knowing them that the final outcome will lead to the nuclear power, after seeing no winners in the theater.
Russia has nuclear warheads. United States with about 7,900, and China was barely a dozen today has 400 warheads and increasing. Add in to this nation, which until now have known nuclear arsenal, England, France, India, Pakistan, North Korea and Israel, all collectively reach an estimated additional 700 nuclear warheads. Around Add in all the conventional armies of those nations and those of the Euphrates River, with its thousands of tanks, submarines and naval forces, modern fighter aircraft, carrying missiles, chemical weapons, asphyxiating gas, stun human armies armed with well stocked automatic weapons, all military industrial scaffolding that is accompanying a human conglomerate, then filled with hate and bloodthirsty. Are we

marvel that God must intervene with a mighty hand and miraculous as it announced the biblical prophecies?

Otherwise we would all be buried in eternal oblivion, and that is why the only begotten the Holy One, Jesus Christ warned us referring to the global apocalyptic havoc that will last about 1260 days: " For then shall be great tribulation , was not since the beginning of the world until now, nor will be. And if those days were shortened, no flesh be saved ... "(Matthew 24:21-22 ).

will be of great suffering and wrenching despair not seen before, and seen a lot already. Now is the time to open the doors of your hearts to Him who said that the Father, God could only be reached through it, the Divine Son the Creator.

ARG, 2011. Related Articles

- Russian Bear Daniel and Ezekiel.
- World War III will come without fail .


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