's not news that the land has vomited someone ( Leviticus 20:22), and Cain decided to kill his brother Abel, but the intensity that happen it is.
Referring to his Second Coming, God's Christ-like signals Pre-told his apostles and disciples that " nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be earthquakes in many places, and there shall be famines and troubles: these are the beginnings of sorrows ... ... There will be signs in the sun and the moon, and stars: and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity ... wiping his men because of fear and excitement ... and then see the Son ... more to come ... this same Jesus which is taken up from you in heaven, shall so come as you saw him go into heaven ( Mark 13:8, Luke 21:25-27, Acts 1:11 ).
We are told that when the world beyond the barrier of End Times, and approached the critical stage, such as when a woman is in labor, the pain-signals visible on the world-would intensify gradually at first, and close quickly once an hour.
recent years have seen an increase in the earth tremors, earthquakes, floods, fires, droughts, volcanoes and natural disasters, until the year 2010, recorded as the most alarming of all so far. According to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), only the American nation in 1953 had registered 13 natural disasters, rising to 2010 with 81 in the nation. The index used by the experts and who was nicknamed "ended 100 years", noting that each century brought a major disaster, ceased to be a record, being widely shot last year at all levels and opportunities, making such an index unusable now, year after year.
died in 2010 in the world a quarter of a million people as a direct result of natural disasters. According to the agency it mounted in a single year, the number of humans who died from terrorism equivalent to 40 years. And this year 2011 that is just beginning and let for 18 earthquakes from January to March, started in Argentina 7.0 Chile 7.1 California 4.1 Vanuatu 6.6 7.0 Loyal Islands, Pakistan 7.2 Celebes Sea 6.5 Biobío Costa de Chile 6.8 Chile Maule Coast 6.6, Arkansas USA 4.1, South Island of New Zealand 6.3, Arkansas USA 4.7, South Sandwich Islands 6.5, Solomon Islands 6.6. Today March 9 Honshu Japan occurred three in 7.2, 6.1 and again 6.1, along with another in Papua New Guinea scale 6.5, and counting. At that rate will exceed the year 2010 with confidence.
Haiti Only a small nation, the earthquake of 2010 caused over 220,000 deaths. Russia and Pakistan were about than 60,000 deaths due to summer heat wave, which in turn created major flooding. Other deaths occurred due to earthquakes in Chile, Turkey, China and Indonesia, making it the most seismically active year in history.
There were 20 earthquakes above 7.0 scale, not counting numerous earthquakes of different intensities around the globe. Thousands more people were killed in hurricanes and floods in countries like China, Italy, India, Colombia, Chad, the Philippines and Australia. To have an idea in 2009 about 15,000 people died due to natural disasters, according to the Research Center of Epidemics and Disasters (CRED), in the year 2010 373 natural disasters occurred that killed more than 296.800 people, directly affecting 208 million others, while causing damage in excess of 110 billion dollars.
increase and intensify the pain of childbirth. What about the deaths caused by violence and terrorism?
Jesus said that the time prior to its advent would be very similar to the days of Noah, where we know that " the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was inclined to evil "(Genesis 6:5 ).
Not only have we witnessed carnivorous two world wars in the modern age accounted million premeditated homicide, but that nations continue to design all kinds of nuclear weapons, ballistic missiles, conventional destructive and macabre idea how much fits into human thought is put into practice by industry consortia military, while national governments prepare their armies for World War III .
This world has been and is: a machine to grind and shred human flesh, in constant motion.
recently have been very active partners and international financial elite, geopolitically hungry, ambitious and despotic, with corrupt governments are very influential. You see them secretly planning how to enslave humanity, while encouraging the chaos only where it suits them and what they need, in your pitiful dream of one day achieving near-submission to a malicious and evil enslaving system, appearing cemetery, in unimagined scope and dimension.
Drugs, suicide, lynchings, wars, regional conflicts, moral and institutional corruption and human trafficking, also provided other thousands of deaths and victims last year, and continue upward.
industrialized countries, contrary to what many imagine, lead to other nations in suicides. The fifteen nations with the greatest rates of suicides among ages 14 to 24, according to Nation Master's report are in order: New Zealand, Finland, Switzerland, Canada, Austria, Australia, USA, Belgium, France, Sweden, Denmark , Ireland, Japan, Holland and England.
Is that the liberal and democratic kingdom that will bring eternal happiness to humans?
abuse to suppress freedom of the sons of Adam. Dictatorships such as North Korea, Cuba, Saudi Arabia, Iran, China and others in Asia and Africa hide the real statistics, but their rates of repression and injustice settled down in fear of each other are incalculable and speak for themselves, reaching the sky itself. According to the same sources cited the fifteen countries, which reveal their statistics, where most crimes are committed per capita per capita are: Colombia, South Africa, Jamaica, Venezuela, Russia, Mexico, Estonia, Ladvi, Lithuania, Belarus, Ukraine, New Guinea Kyrgyzstan, Thailand and Moldova.
This does not mean that other nations there is a constant flow of crimes, but are the most intense fifteen nations per capita. This is a world that continues to depreciate the value of human life, and where not only millions lack the most basic needs, but he is constantly violate their legitimate freedoms and rights given by the Creator all his creatures.
Do not be surprised then the apocalyptic scenes of Final times and labor pains that will intensify further as we approach the Lord's Day .
not listen to those who fill their coffers and bank accounts while promising the world a society without suicides or crimes. Do not let fear or take away your rights. The Son of God warned us that he was the only way to the Father and the only possibility to achieve that the human society and has dreams in their deepest depths. The Word of God reveals that no other name given among men by which humans can achieve their eternal sovereignty and independence ( Acts 4:12).
The world groans and cries with a profuse confusion. Do not forget that Jesus the Nazarene is also the resurrection and the life. The enjoined you to look with all your strength to live without fear of tyrants, whether in uniform or costume, he uttered the unforgettable statement:
" And fear not them which kill the body but the soul can not kill: but rather fear him that can destroy the soul and body in hell " (Matthew 10:28 ).
ARG. 2011.
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