by Alejandro Roque González.
The world is approaching a crossroads promised in the Word of God , and as we approach a new religion is woven. You filosofea to humans on a new era that is coming, and with it returns the old and evil sonata proud of Genesis, as sounding brass and tinkling cymbal.
In the Garden of Eden and are plotting new religions and ideologies. Lucifer, disguised as a serpent godmother cunning enemy of all truth-establishing the foundation of all human doctrines that arise from time, when holding its dialogue with Eva:
" Now the serpent was more crafty than any beast of the field which Yahweh God had made and she said to the woman," with which God says: You shall not eat of every tree of the garden? And the woman said unto the serpent, the fruit of the trees of the garden we eat, but the fruit of the tree in the midst of the garden God said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die. And the serpent said unto the woman, not die, but God knows the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil . " ( Genesis 3:1-5). Not
the fact of knowledge which brought down the human, but to abrogate the right to become arrogant, separated from God-the architect of its own destiny, using if necessary evil, believing in turn wise God and eternity source . Today we see the result: 6000 years of history where genocidal wars, hunger, abuse and indoctrination have not ceased, and we are approaching the worst of all: the deception was more sophisticated and smoother than man has known, is among us today.
We repeat, once again, the old dialogue occurred in the Garden of Eden.
Once Adam and Eve saw their rebellion, sin entered in human nature, and thus the physical and spiritual death. When we come into this world of nature are not good as new religions and seek to ensure biological science. While the environment and experiences indict human character and life in society, sin is inherent in our genes come from that we see the sunlight. No wonder the Holy Spirit revealed to its natural condition psalmist who wrote: "Here I was shapen in iniquity and in sin my mother conceived me " (Psalm 51:5 ).
Sin brought us not only physical death but also brought us the spiritual, to cut the umbilical cord away joined us here using an aphorism-explanatory-the Blessed Creator . Spiritual death is obviously claimed by the need for a Savior that we could return to the spiritual state that existed before Eve had that dialogue with fatal human Adversary. That is why another dialogue, this time prophetic-occurs between Eve and God, where the Creator warns that the suffering would have been inevitable ever since (because of the spiritual condition in which self fell because of its rebellion), but through his belly would one day Redeemer of mankind, ensuring that He would bruise Satan mortally that that dragged the pain and lies (Genesis 3:15-16 ). God promised Eve and another dialogue, at some point in history, concluded between them again, this time heralding the return of lost hope.
The plan of redemption human walking threw the centuries unfold, and the same day that a poor woman in the village of Nazareth, Mary, who by his great simplicity and mercy dreamed please his Creator , the angel of the Lord appears in the name of God, and promised dialogue, this time determining is held for the welfare of humanity:
" Then the angel told Mary not fear, for you have found favor with God. And here conceive in your womb and bear a son and call his name Jesus. This will be great and will be called Son of the Highest: and the Lord God will give you the throne of David his father: And he shall reign over the house of Jacob forever, and of his kingdom there will be no end ( Luke 1: 30-33 ).
His kingdom will be eternal, without end. That's
Salvador Jesus (Yeshua). It is not a religious leader, but the Son of God . The name of Jesus symbolically had been prophetically announced centuries ago in the person of Joshua (Yeshua), the Jewish deliverer, Moses died once was in charge of God's people enter the promised land, in the same way that Jesus will with the Church of all the earth, nations and ethnic groups that have received as his personal Salvador, the kingdom of his Father .
So it is not Mohammed, Buddha, Krishna, Madi, and now announces that the movement of the "Religion of the New Era" (located in London), calling the great Maitreya. Do not be deceived, is Jesus Christ through whom we can only cleave to God, he said clearly: " I am the way and the truth and the life: no man cometh unto the Father but by me " (John 14:6 ).
In the book entitled: "earth, earth, earth! hear the word of Yahweh, "which can be downloaded for free on this blog page, the reader can study and find out how the prophets of God from age to age the coming of the Savior through the tribe of Judah, who turn would be a travesty of God, and not a charlatan humanist, even when apparently the best intentions.
Do not be fooled by the devil transformed. There is no "Religion New Age" (New Age Religion), or humanistic ecumenism unifying announcing some mystic who claims to have exclusive contacts and communication with a special leader. Do not be dragged before the false and cunning manipulation. The new era is another fallacy planted since ancient times when the dictator Nimrod unified totalitarian elite in the eastern land of Shinar, prompting the international community to build the Tower of Babel , trying in vain to replace God (Genesis 11:4).
The Western world has been bombarded with tarot cards, astrology, crystal balls with unique powers that attract a lot of "positive energy" into believing that God is the fulfillment of human potential that we are gods, and the richer they are made more credible. Others are monistic, who believe that our powers come from a great universal energy. There pantheistic metaphysical, reincarnated, esoteric, occult, magic, Kabbalists, atheist, fortune tellers, spiritualists, Freemasons, secret societies, ecumenism, ecology, mysticism, universalistic, and all united in this supposed new religion that announces the NWO under the Age of Aquarius , absorbing their remaining time to the traditional religions.
That fallacy of the "Age of Aquarius " stamp the world with the absolute necessity of creating a world government, designed as a "new order", which supposedly achieved by humans, and thanks to a singular global leader eliminate wars, plagues, diseases, pollution and poverty, bringing the dream of world peace. That the zodiac associated with mixing with relevant historical events that once occurred in the past, now all together, come together to bring "new global age."
not believe him. God calls us to relationship, not religion, and is through his Son risen. Not on the cross but rose from the dead to the glory of God the Father .
Remember how God instructs his people to avoid being dragged behind these false idolatry, when he said: " not be found among you ... practicing divination, or a soothsayer, or omens, or a sorcerer, or forger of spells, or who ask a python, or magic, or one who inquires of the dead. Because God is an abomination to Yahweh all that do these things "(Deuteronomy 18:10-12 ).
is the Deception was used by those designing the New Empire Western Roman under the tutelage of world leader, who is none other than the prophesied Antichrist Bible, who will bring bitterness and death to the human race, but not before the false messiah appear as expected, a champion of peace and international reconciliation, and supported by this movement proclaims the " Age of Aquarius." Continued ...
ARG, 2011.
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